In the aftermath of darkest tragedy, we have seen the American spirit at its brightest.� We’ve seen the petty divisions of color, class, and creed replaced by a united urge to help.

— Barack Obama

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Quote in Context

In the aftermath of darkest tragedy, we have seen the American spirit at its brightest. We’ve seen the petty divisions of color, class, and creed replaced by a united urge to help. We’ve seen courage and compassion, a sense of civic duty, and a recognition that we are not a collection of strangers; we are bound to one another by a set of ideals, and laws, and commitments, and a deep devotion to this country we love. 
That’s what citizenship is. It’s the idea at the heart of our founding – that as Americans, we are blessed with God-given and inalienable rights, but with those rights come responsibilities – to ourselves, to one another, and to future generations.
But if we’re being honest, as you’ve studied and worked and served to become good citizens, the institutions that give structure to our society have, at times, betrayed your trust. In the run-up to the financial crisis, too many on Wall Street forgot that their obligations don’t end with their shareholders. In entertainment and in the media, ratings and shock value often trumped news and storytelling. And in Washington – well, this is a joyous occasion, so let me put this charitably: I think it’s fair to say our democracy isn’t working as well as we know it can. It could do better. And those of us fortunate enough to serve in these institutions owe it to you to do better, every single day.

Quote Source Information

• Source: Wikiquote: "Barack Obama" (Quotes, 2013, Commencement Address at Ohio State University (May 2013):
"Commencement Address at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (5 May 2013))

About this Picture

Name: September 11 Tribute in Light at Dusk

Summary: CC BY 2.0 Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 truetrue

Description: English: Tribute in Light (9/11 memorial) with Manhattan skyline at dusk

Date: 11 September 2010, 19:49:40


Author: Dan DeChiaro

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