Yuan Shao Quotes

2 Quotes Sorted by Search Results (Descending)

About Yuan Shao

Yuan Shao (Traditional Chinese: 袁紹) (died June 28, 202) was a Chinese military leader and dictator.

Born: June 28th, 0202

Categories: Political leaders, Military leaders, Chinese, 3rd century deaths

Quotes: 2 sourced quotes total

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Words (count)11 - 1
Search Results1010 - 10
Yuan Shao
 • Response in 189 to threats by Dong Zhuo. After this, Yuan Shao left the capital and began organising a coalition against Dong. This confrontation marked the end of the uneasy peace between the two. Source: "Xiandi Chunqiu" (獻帝春秋), page 190 of Sanguo Zhi (三國志).
• Source: Wikiquote: "Yuan Shao" (Quotes)
Yuan Shao
 • Statement in 191 at Battle of Jieqiao. Yuan Shao and his halberdsmen, surrounded by enemy cavalry, refuses to take refuge. He is said to have thrown off his helmet as he said this. Source: "Yingxiong Ji" (英雄記), page 193-194 of Sanguo Zhi.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Yuan Shao" (Quotes)

End Yuan Shao Quotes