Vladimir Lenin Quotes 331–360 of 365 Quotes
Below are 30 of 365 sourced Vladimir Lenin quotes. Sources and related information appear under each quote. Use the 'Cite this quote' link to get citation references.
“Lenin and Trotsky were the men of the hour and under their fearless, incorruptible and uncompromising leadership the Russian proletariat has held the fort against the combined assaults of all ruling class powers of earth. It is a magnificent spectacle. It stirs the blood and warms the heart of every revolutionist, and it challenges the admiration of all the world.”
— Eugene V. Debs
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#1
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#1
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#1
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#1
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Eugene V. Debs, The Day of the People (1918)
“We are doing what Lenin did. You cannot build socialism without Red Terror.”
— Asrat Destu
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#2
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#2
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#2
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#2
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Asrat Destu, Ethiopian revolutionary, as quoted by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin (2006). The Mitrokhin Archive II: The KGB and the World, pp. 467-8)
“Lenin was an undisputed leader of the proletariat, political leader, researcher, scientist, founder, who made important contributions to the socialist construction.”
— Miguel Díaz-Canel
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#3
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#3
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#3
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#3
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Miguel Díaz-Canel, Tweet, 22 April 2020
“I honor Lenin as a man who completely sacrificed himself and devoted all his energy to the realization of social justice. I do not consider his methods practical, but one thing is certain: men of his type are the guardians and restorers of humanity.”
— Albert Einstein
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#4
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#4
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#4
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#4
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Albert Einstein, as quoted in Einstein and the Generations of Science (p.25) by Lewis Samuel Feuerl.
“Lenin and Stalin have evidenced their outstanding brilliance as mass leaders in every revolutionary requirement: in Marxian theory, political strategy, the building of mass organizations, and in the development of the mass struggle. The characteristic feature of their work is its many-sidedness. Both men of action as well as of thought, they have exemplified in their activities that coordination of theory and practice which is so indispensable to the success of the every-day struggles of the masses and the final establishment of socialism. Both have worked in the clearest realization of the twin truths that there can be no revolutionary movement without revolutionary theory, and that revolutionary theory unsupported by organized mass struggle must remain sterile.”
— w:William Z. Foster (1939)
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#5
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#5
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#5
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#5
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source w:William Z. Foster (1939), "Lenin and Stalin as Mass Leaders", The Communist XVIII no: 12, month: December, publisher: Marxists.
“The names of Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler will forever be linked to the tragic course of European history in the first half of the twentieth century. Only weeks after the Russian Revolution the Bolsheviks created secret police forces far more brutal than any that had existed under the tsar. The Nazis followed suit and were no sooner in power than they instituted the dreaded Gestapo. Under both regimes millions of people were incarcerated in concentration camps where they were tortured and frequently worked to death.”
— w:Robert Gellately (2007)
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#6
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#6
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#6
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#6
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source w:Robert Gellately (2007), Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler: The Age of Social Catastrophe .
“Lenin was the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight.”
— Joseph Goebbels
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#7
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#7
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#7
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#7
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Joseph Goebbels, as quoted in The New York Times, “HITLERITE RIOT IN BERLIN: Beer Glasses Fly When Speaker Compares Hitler and Lenin,” (Nov. 28, 1925) p. 4
“Lenin was the most pliable politician in history. He could be an ultra-revolutionary, a compromiser and conservative at the same time. When like a mighty wave the cry swept over Russia, "All power to the Soviets!" Lenin swam with the tide.[A] When the peasants took possession of the land and the workers of the factories, Lenin not only approved of those direct methods but went further. He issued the famous motto, "Rob the robbers," a slogan which served to confuse the minds of the people and caused untold injury to revolutionary idealism. Never before did any real revolutionist interpret social expropriation as the transfer of wealth from one set of individuals to another. Yet that was exactly what Lenin's slogan meant. The indiscriminate and irresponsible raids, the accumulation of the wealth of the former bourgeoisie by the new Soviet bureaucracy, the chicanery practised toward those whose only crime was their former status, were all the results of Lenin's "Rob the robbers" policy. The whole subsequent history of the Revolution is a kaleidoscope of Lenin's compromises and betrayal of his own slogans.”
— Emma Goldman
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#8
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#8
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#8
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#8
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Emma Goldman, My Disillusionment in Russia
“Not since Marx had the proletarian struggle for emancipation given the world a thinker and leader of the working class and all toilers of Lenin’s stature. He combined scientific genius, political wisdom, and perspicacity with great organizational ability, an iron will, courage, and daring. He had a boundless faith in the creative powers of the popular masses, was close to them, and enjoyed their total confidence, love, and support. All of Lenin’s activity embodied the organic unity between revolutionary theory and practice. As leader and man Lenin possessed a selfless devotion to communist ideals and to the cause of the party and of the working class and a supreme conviction of the righteousness and justice of that cause. He subordinated every facet of his life to the struggle for the emancipation of the toilers from social and national oppression. He both loved his homeland and was a consistent internationalist. Intransigent toward the class enemy, he had a touching concern for comrades. He was highly exacting toward himself and others and was morally pure, simple, and modest.”
— (1979)
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#9
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#9
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#9
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#9
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source (1979), Great Soviet Encyclopedia, contribution: Lenin, Vladimir Il’yich, publisher: The free dictionary.
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“The great actors and theorists of twentieth-century politics, on the right and left, agree on this point: 'Max Weber and Vladimir Lenin say, in almost identical words, that with regard to the use of force the state is always a dictatorship.”
— w:Michael Hardt
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#11
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#11
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#11
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#11
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source w:Michael Hardt, w:Antonio Negri (2004), Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire .
“Lenin was the first man determinedly to denounce all prejudices against colonial peoples, which have been deeply implanted in the minds of many European and American workers. Lenin's these on the question of nationalities, approved by International communism, have brought about a momentous revolution in all oppressed countries throughout the world.”
— Ho Chi Minh
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#12
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#12
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#12
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#12
More on this quote: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Ho Chi Minh, "Lenin and the East" (1926)
• w:Ho Chi Minh (1967), Ho Chi Minh on Revolution, Selected Writings, 1920-66 .
“The monstrous evils of the twentieth century have shown us that the greediest money grubbers are gentle doves compared with money-hating wolves like Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler, who in less than three decades killed or maimed nearly a hundred million men, women, and children and brought untold suffering to a large portion of mankind.”
— Eric Hoffer (1976)
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#13
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#13
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#13
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#13
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Eric Hoffer (1976), In Our Time .
“Lenin sprung a leak in the cesspool of Russian history and the stench has poisoned the civilized world.”
— Eric Hoffer
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#14
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#14
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#14
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#14
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Eric Hoffer, Before the Sabbath, Harper & Row 1979, p. 104
“Drawing from Marxism, Lenin reinterpreted, revised and thus revived the native Russian tradition of revolution. In the previous generation revolutionary Slavophiles had indulged the pleasing thought that there was a distinct Russian story and a distinctively Russian trajectory to any radical action in that country. Some of them endorsed terrorism as a way to preserve the distinctive virtues of Russian society while undermining the autocracy. Though Lenin was impatient with the long-standing Russian heritage of activism, revolution by the act, nihilism, assassination etc., he insisted upon preserving the accompanying emphasis on voluntaristic action. But his voluntarism was girded by a Marxist vision of coming revolutions.”
— Tony Judt
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#15
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#15
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#15
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#15
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Tony Judt, in Tony Judt and Timothy Snyder, Thinking the twentieth century (2012), Ch. 3: Familial Socialism: Political Marxist
“Today I shot at Lenin. I did it on my own. I will not say from whom I obtained my revolver. I will give no details. I had resolved to kill Lenin long ago. I consider him a traitor to the Revolution.”
— Fanni Kaplan
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#16
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#16
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#16
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#16
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Fanni Kaplan, in a statement during her interrogation after an assassination attempt on Lenin, as quoted in Shub, David (1976), Lenin: A Biography page: 362.
“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some.”
— John Maynard Keynes
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#17
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#17
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#17
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#17
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, Chap. VI: “Europe After The Treaty,” New York: NY, Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920, p. 235
“There are individuals – a mere handful in the history of mankind – who, while themselves being the product of an imminent catastrophic change, leave their mark upon an entire epoch. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is one such giant mind, one such giant will... However mighty such giants of history may be, the universal-general principle that they symbolise and embody dissolves all the narrowly individual. The ordinary measuring rod of the qualities, failings and passions characteristic of the people of that age is not applicable to them. It is not a question of the personal characteristics of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin but what he symbolises... He has gathered to himself like a magnet everything in the revolution that is expressive of will, power, ruthless destruction and constructive persistence. Everyone who values what the workers' revolution brings with it in its cleansing whirlwind cannot but value and cherish its symbol, its embodiment – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.”
— Alexandra Kollontai
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#18
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#18
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#18
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Alexandra Kollontai, "A Giant Mind, A Giant Will"
“Vladimir Ilyich, your concrete actions are completely unworthy of the ideas you pretend to hold.Is it possible that you do not know what a hostage really is — a man imprisoned not because of a crime he has committed, but only because it suits his enemies to exert blackmail on his companions?... If you admit such methods, one can foresee that one day you will use torture, as was done in the Middle Ages. I hope you will not answer me that Power is for political men a professional duty, and that any attack against that power must be considered as a threat against which one must guard oneself at any price. This opinion is no longer held even by kings... Are you so blinded, so much a prisoner of your own authoritarian ideas, that you do not realise that being at the head of European Communism, you have no right to soil the ideas which you defend by shameful methods... What future lies in store for Communism when one of its most important defenders tramples in this way every honest feeling?”
— Peter Kropotkin
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#19
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#19
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#19
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Peter Kropotkin, in a letter to Lenin (21 December 1920); as quoted in George Woodcock (1990), Peter Kropotkin: From Prince to Rebel page: 426.
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“"Progress" is for the convinced ochlocrats a consoling Utopia of madly increased comfort and technicism. This charming but dull vision was always the pseudoreligious consolation of millions of ecstatic believers in ochlocracy and in the relative perfection and wisdom of Mr. and Mrs. Averageman. Utopias in general are surrogates for heaven; they give a meager solace to the individual that his sufferings and endeavors may enable future generations to enter the chiliastic paradise. Communism works in a similar way. Its millennium is almost the same as that of ochlocracy. The Millennium of Lenin, the Millennium of Bellamy, the Millennium as represented in H. G. Wells's, "Of Things to Come," the Millennium of Adolf Hitler and Henry Ford — they are all basically the same; they often differ in their means to attain it but they all agree in the point of technical perfection and the classless or at least totally homogeneous society without grudge or envy.”
— Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#21
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#21
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#21
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#21
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, writing under the pen name Francis Stewart Campbell (1943), Menace of the Herd, or, Procrustes at Large, Milwaukee, WI: The Bruce Publishing Company, pp. 35-36
“[N]o one can doubt that Lenin was one of the greatest leaders of men ever thrown up in any epoch.”
— David Lloyd George
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#22
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#22
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#22
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#22
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source David Lloyd George, War Memoirs: Volume II (1938), p. 1887
“Lenin is an artist who has worked men, as other artists have worked marble or metals. But men are harder than stone and less malleable than iron. There is no masterpiece. The artist has failed. The task was superior to his capacities.”
— Benito Mussolini
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#23
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#23
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#23
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#23
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Benito Mussolini, as quoted in Megaro, Gaudens (1938), Mussolini in the Making page: 326.
“He (Lenin) lies asleep as it were and it is difficult to believe that he is dead. In life they say he was not beautiful to look at. He had too much of common clay in him and about him was the 'smell of the Russian soil'. But in death there is a strange beauty and his brow is peaceful and unclouded. On his lips there hovers a smile and there is a suggestion of pugnacity, of work done and success achieved. He has a uniform on and one of his hands is lightly clenched. Even in death he is the dictator. In India, he would certainly have been canonised, but saints are not held in repute in Soviet circles, and the people of Russia have done him the higher honour of loving him as one of themselves.”
— J. Nehru
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#24
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#24
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#24
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#24
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source J. Nehru, Soviet Russia: Some Random Sketches and Impressions (1949) Writing about a visit to Lenin's mummy in Moscow. Quoted from S.R.Goel, Genesis and Growth of Nehruism, Vol I.
“There was no doubt or vagueness in Lenin's mind. His were the penetrating eyes which detected the moods of the masses; the clear head which could apply and adapt well-thought-out principles to changing situations; the inflexible will which held on to the course he had mapped out, regardless of immediate consequences... It is not many years since he died, and already Lenin has become a mighty tradition, not only in his native Russia, but in the world at large. As time passes he grows greater; he has become one of the chosen company of the world's immortals. Petrograd has become Leningrad, and almost every house in Russia has a Lenin corner or a Lenin picture. But he lives, not in monuments or pictures, but in the mighty work he did, and in the hearts of hundreds of millions of workers today who find inspiration in his example and the hope of a better day.”
— Nehru
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#25
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#25
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#25
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#25
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Nehru, Glimpses of World History (1949). Quoted from S.R.Goel, Genesis and Growth of Nehruism, Vol I.
“[If Lenin had lived after 1924] there is no strong reason for thinking that the main lines of development would have been very different. Well before 1923 the seeds of a totalitarian society were quite plainly there. Lenin, indeed, is one of those politicians who win an undeserved reputation by dying prematurely. Had he lived, it is probable that he would either have been thrown out, like Trotsky, or would have kept himself in power by methods as barbarous, or nearly as barbarous, as those of Stalin.”
— George Orwell
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#26
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#26
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#26
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#26
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source George Orwell, ‘Second Thoughts on James Burnham’, Polemic, No. 3 (May 1946), quoted in Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus (eds.), The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell. Volume IV: In Front of Your Nose, 1945–1950 (1968), p. 168
“Here we see the possible significance of Lenin’s book for the future working-class movement. The Communist Party, though it may lose ground among the workers, tries to form with the socialists and the intellectual class a united front, ready at the first major crisis of capitalism to take in its hands the power over and against the workers. Leninism and its philosophical textbook then will serve, under the name of Marxism, to overawe the workers and to impose upon the intellectuals, as the leading system of thought by which the reactionary spiritual powers are beaten, Thus the fighting working class, basing itself upon Marxism, will find Lenin’s philosophical work a stumbling-block in its way, as the theory of a class that tries to perpetuate its serfdom.”
— Anton Pannekoek
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#27
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#27
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#27
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Anton Pannekoek, Lenin as Philosopher
“How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
— Ronald Reagan
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#28
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#28
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#28
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#28
Quote source: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Ronald Reagan, "Remarks at the Annual Convention of Concerned Women for America", 25 September, 1987
“Lenin, the greatest man of action in our century and at the same time the most selfless.”
— Romain Rolland
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#29
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#29
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html#29
More on this quote: about Lenin:
Alphabetized by author or source Romain Rolland, as quoted in Fülöp-Miller, René (1930), Lenin and Gandhi page: 102.
• As quoted in (1932), Through the Eyes of Foreigners, 1917–1932 page: 222.
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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.
Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html
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Lenin, Vladimir (2021, August 5) Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html
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Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html
MLA Citation: Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.
Lenin, Vladimir. “Vladimir Lenin Quotes: 331–360 of 365 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Vladimir-Lenin-quotes-12.html