Victor Borge Quotes

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About Victor Borge

Victor Borge (January 3, 1909 – December 23, 2000), born Børge Rosenbaum, was a Danish comedian, conductor and pianist, affectionately known as The Clown Prince of Denmark, The Unmelancholy Dane, and The Great Dane.

Born: January 3rd, 1909

Died: December 23rd, 2000

Categories: musicians, 2000s deaths

Quotes: 9 sourced quotes total

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Words (count)1911 - 33
Search Results1310 - 20
There is a bit of Hans Christian Andersen in every Dane.
The first piano was built long after they didn't have any at all.
Victor Borge
• From his skit "History of Pianos" in The Best of Victor Borge
• Source: Wikiquote: "Victor Borge" (Quotes, Quotations from Borges' performances)
(Shortly after Germany forced Denmark to sign a non-aggression pact in 1939) How nice. Now the Germans can sleep in peace, knowing that they will not be invaded by us.
[of English] It's your language. I'm just trying to use it.
I only know two pieces, one is 'Clair de Lune', the other one isn't.
Victor Borge
• From the obit in The Independent.Tom Vallance, "Obituary: Victor Borge", The Independent (London), 26 December 2000
• Source: Wikiquote: "Victor Borge" (Quotes, Quotations from Borges' performances)
What is the difference between a Nazi and a dog? The Nazi lifts his arm.
I learned to play the piano on my mother's knee - that was before we got a piano.
Victor Borge
• From the obit in the Boston Globe.Richard Dyer, "Laughter Was at the Heart of Victor Borge's Many Talents", Boston Globe, 29 December 2000
• Source: Wikiquote: "Victor Borge" (Quotes, Quotations from Borges' performances)
The smile is the shortest distance between two persons (Smilet er den korteste afstand mellem to mennesker)Victor Borges, "Smilet er den korteste afstand (The Smile is the Shortest Distance)"
When I was a little boy and played Liebestraum, my father used to hit me on the head with a newspaper every time I slopped the cadenza . . . I hate Liebestraum.

End Victor Borge Quotes