Michelle Trachtenberg Quotes

10 Quotes Sorted by Search Results (Descending)

About Michelle Trachtenberg

Michelle Christine Trachtenberg (born October 11, 1985, in New York, United States) is an American television and movie actress best known for her role as Dawn Summers in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Born: October 11th, 1985

Categories: American actresses, People from New York, Living people

Quotes: 10 sourced quotes total

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Words (count)198 - 35
Search Results3710 - 260
My meeting with Joss at the beginning of the season was kind of like, "Alright, welcome to the cast, you're a teenager, you're a Key, have fun.
I feel that in order to truly be an actor, you have to differentiate yourself and your roles.
Actually, I believe in the third season, one of the characters says, "Three hundred and something", which is the number of days from that point that I would appear on the show. Which is awesome.
I've always felt that kids are really smart.
If you’re not falling, you’re not training hard enough.
I put out an ad in the classifieds: ‘Wanted, superhero. I’m a damsel in distress’.
I never had a stage mother, which is probably one of the reasons why I’m still doing this.
I'm usually the one who leaves a water bottle on set, because it gets thirsty under those bright lights.
I've had experiences before where a director is like, "Yeah, I wanted a blonde." Have you heard of hair dye?
I was always wanting to learn and be one of those actresses who can actually hold a conversation as opposed to standing there looking pretty.

End Michelle Trachtenberg Quotes