Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes 1–30 of 465 Quotes

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (15 January 1929 – 4 April 1968) was an American Baptist minister, doctor, civil rights activist, and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize of 1964. He was the husband of Coretta Scott King, and father of Yolanda King and Martin Luther King III.

Below are 30 of 465 sourced Martin Luther King, Jr. quotes. Sources and related information appear under each quote. Use the 'Cite this quote' link to get citation references.

“You know my friends, there comes a time when people get tired of being trampled by the iron feet of oppression. There comes a time my friends, when people get tired of being plunged across the abyss of humiliation, where they experience the bleakness of nagging despair. There comes a time when people get tired of being pushed out of the glittering sunlight of life's July and left standing amid the piercing chill of an alpine November. There comes a time.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#1

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#1

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#1

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#1

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Montgomery Bus Boycott speech, at Holt Street Baptist Church (5 December 1955)

“We, the disinherited of this land, we who have been oppressed so long, are tired of going through the long night of captivity. And now we are reaching out for the daybreak of freedom and justice and equality.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#2

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#2

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#2

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#2

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Montgomery Bus Boycott speech, at Holt Street Baptist Church (5 December 1955)

“We are here, we are here this evening because we're tired now. And I want to say that we are not here advocating violence. We have never done that. I want it to be known throughout Montgomery and throughout this nation that we are Christian people. We believe in the Christian religion. We believe in the teachings of Jesus. The only weapon that we have in our hands this evening is the weapon of protest. That's all.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#3

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#3

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#3

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Montgomery Bus Boycott speech, at Holt Street Baptist Church (5 December 1955)

“We are not wrong, we are not wrong in what we are doing. If we are wrong, the Supreme Court of this nation is wrong. If we are wrong, the Constitution of the United States is wrong. And if we are wrong, God Almighty is wrong. If we are wrong, Jesus of Nazareth was merely a utopian dreamer that never came down to Earth. If we are wrong, justice is a lie, love has no meaning. And we are determined here in Montgomery to work and fight until "justice runs down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream."”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#4

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#4

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#4

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#4

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Address to the first Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) Mass Meeting, at Holt Street Baptist Church (5 December 1955). "Justice runs down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream" is a quotation of Amos 5:24 in the Bible.

“Whatever we do, we must keep God in the forefront. Let us be Christian in all of our actions. But I want to tell you this evening that it is not enough for us to talk about love, love is one of the pivotal points of the Christian face, faith. There is another side called justice. And justice is really love in calculation. Justice is love correcting that which revolts against love.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#5

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#5

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#5

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#5

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Montgomery Bus Boycott speech, at Holt Street Baptist Church (5 December 1955)

“True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#6

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#6

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#6

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. In a 1955 response to an accusation that he was "disturbing the peace" by his activism during the Montgomery Bus Boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, as quoted in Let the Trumpet Sound : A Life of Martin Luther King, Jr (1982) by Stephen B. Oates

“If you have weapons, take them home; if you do not have them, please do not seek to get them. We cannot solve this problem through retaliatory violence. We must meet violence with nonviolence. Remember the words of Jesus: "He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword." We must love our white brothers, no matter what they do to us. We must make them know that we love them. Jesus still cries out in words that echo across the centuries: "Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; pray for them that despitefully use you." This is what we must live by. We must meet hate with love. Remember, if I am stopped, this movement will not stop, because God is with the movement. Go home with this glowing faith and this radiant assurance.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#7

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#7

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#7

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#7

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. King's words after a bomb was thrown into his house in Alabama, on 30 January 1956, in Stride Toward Freedom (1958)

“The apparent apathy of the Negro ministers presented a special problem. A faithful few had always shown a deep concern for social problems, but too many had remained aloof from the area of social responsibility. Much of this indifference, it is true, stemmed from a sincere feeling that ministers were not supposed to get mixed up in such earthly, temporal matters as social and economic improvement; they were to "preach the gospel" and keep men's minds centered on "the heavenly." But however sincere, this view of religion, I felt, was too confined. Certainly, otherworldly concerns have a deep and significant place in all religions worthy of the name. Any religion that is completely earthbound sells its birthright for a mess of naturalistic pottage. Religion at its best, deals not only with man's preliminary concerns but with his inescapable ultimate concern. When religion overlooks this basic fact it is reduced to a mere ethical system in which eternity is absorbed into time and God is relegated to a sort of meaningless figment of the human imagination. But a religion true to its nature must also be concerned about man's social conditions. Religion deals with both earth and heaven, both time and eternity. Religion operates not only on the vertical plane but also on the horizontal. It seeks not only to integrate men with God but to integrate men with men and each man with himself. This means, at bottom, that the Christian Gospel is a two-way road. On the one hand, it seeks to change the souls of men, and thereby unite them with God; on the other hand, it seek to change the environmental conditions of men so that soul will have a chance after it is changed. Any religion that professes to be concerned with the souls of men and is not concerned with the slums that damn them, the economic conditions that strangle them, and the social conditions that cripple them is a dry-as-dust religion. Such a religion is the kind the Marxists like to see — an opiate of the people.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#8

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#8

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#8

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Stride Toward Freedom (1958), pp. 28-29

“We believe firmly in the revelation of God in Jesus Christ. I can see no conflict between our devotion to Jesus Christ and our present action. In fact, I can see a necessary relationship. If one is truly devoted to the religion of Jesus he will seek to rid the earth of social evils. The gospel is social as well as personal.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#9

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#9

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#9

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#9

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Stride Toward Freedom (1958)

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““We too know the Jesus that the minister referred to. We have had an experience with him and we believe firmly in the revelation of God in Jesus Christ. I can see no conflict between our devotion to Jesus Christ and our present action. In fact, I can see a necessary relationship. If one is truly devoted to the religion of Jesus he will seek to rid the earth of social evils. The gospel is social as well as personal..””

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#11

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#11

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#11

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#11

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Stride Toward Freedom (1958); also quoted in The Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1982), by Stephen B. Oates, pp. 81-82

“The decision we must make now is whether we will give our allegiance to outmoded and unjust customs or to the ethical demands of the universe. As Christians we owe our allegiance to God and His will, rather than to man and his folkways"”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#12

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#12

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#12

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#12

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Stride Toward Freedom (1958)

“I feel that segregation is totally unchristian, and that it is against everything the Christian religion stands for.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#13

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#13

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#13

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#13

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. In his letter to Sally Canada (19 September 1956), as quoted in The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr (1992), by Carson & Holloran, Volumes 2-3, p. 373

“In the struggle for human rights and justice, Negros will make a mistake if they become bitter and indulge in hate campaigns.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#14

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#14

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#14

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#14

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Speech delivered in Finney Chapel at Oberlin College (7 February 1957), as reported in "When MLK came to Oberlin" by Cindy Leise (The Chronicle-Telegram; January 21, 2008)

“The non-violent Negro is seeking to create the beloved community. He directs his attack on the forces of evil rather than on individuals. The tensions are not between the races, but between the forces of justice and injustice; between the forces of light and darkness.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#15

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#15

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#15

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#15

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Speech delivered in Finney Chapel at Oberlin College (7 February 1957), as reported in "When MLK came to Oberlin" by Cindy Leise, in The Chronicle-Telegram (21 January 2008)

“Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired. Your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit. In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit. You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognize the problem and have a desire to solve it.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#16

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#16

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#16

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#16

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. "Advice For Living" (January 1958)

“Although the Montgomery council never had a large membership, it played an important role. As the only truly interracial group in Montgomery, it served to keep the desperately needed channels of communication open between the races. Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated. In providing an avenue of communication, the council was fulfilling a necessary condition for better race relations in the South.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#17

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#17

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#17

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#17

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. In reference to the Alabama Council on Human Relations, an organization which was joined by King, whose church's meeting room was used to hold monthly meetings for the Montgomery chapter the council. Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story (1958)

“Man is man because he is free to operate within the framework of his destiny. He is free to deliberate, to make decisions, and to choose between alternatives. He is distinguished from animals by his freedom to do evil or to do good and to walk the high road of beauty or tread the low road of ugly degeneracy.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#18

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#18

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#18

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#18

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. The Measures of Man (1959)

“Today it is no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence; it is either nonviolence or nonexistence. It may not be that Mahatma Gandhi is God’s appeal to this age, an age drifting to its doom. And that warning, and that appeal is always in the form of a warning: “He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword.” Jesus said it years ago. Whenever men follow that and see that way, new horizons begin to emerge and a new world unfolds. Who today will follow Christ in his way and follow it so much that we’ll be able to do greater things even than he did because we will be able to bring about the peace of the world and mobilize hundreds and thousands of men to follow the way of Christ?”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#19

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#19

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#19

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#19

Quote source: 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences. Palm Sunday Sermon on Mohandas K. Gandhi, Delivered at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church (22 March 1959)

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“There is something wrong with our world, something fundamentally and basically wrong. I don't think we have to look too far to see that. I'm sure that most of you would agree with me in making that assertion. And when we stop to analyze the cause of our world's ills, many things come to mind. We begin to wonder if it is due to the fact that we don't know enough. But it can't be that. Because in terms of accumulated knowledge we know more today than men have known in any period of human history. We have the facts at our disposal. We know more about mathematics, about science, about social science, and philosophy than we've ever known in any period of the world's history. So it can't be because we don't know enough. And then we wonder if it is due to the fact that our scientific genius lags behind. That is, if we have not made enough progress scientifically. Well then, it can't be that. For our scientific progress over the past years has been amazing. Man through his scientific genius has been able to dwarf distance and place time in chains, so that today it's possible to eat breakfast in New York City and supper in London, England. Back in about 1753 it took a letter three days to go from New York City to Washington, and today you can go from here to China in less time than that. It can't be because man is stagnant in his scientific progress. Man's scientific genius has been amazing. I think we have to look much deeper than that if we are to find the real cause of man's problems and the real cause of the world's ills today. If we are to really find it I think we will have to look in the hearts and souls of men.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#21

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#21

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#21

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#21

Source: • Source: Wikiquote: "Martin Luther King, Jr." (Quotes, 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences., Rediscovering Lost Values (1954):
"Rediscovering Lost Values", a sermon delivered at Detroit's Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954))

“The trouble isn't so much that we don't know enough, but it's as if we aren't good enough. The trouble isn't so much that our scientific genius lags behind, but our moral genius lags behind. The great problem facing modern man is that, that the means by which we live have outdistanced the spiritual ends for which we live. So we find ourselves caught in a messed-up world. The problem is with man himself and man's soul. We haven't learned how to be just and honest and kind and true and loving. And that is the basis of our problem. The real problem is that through our scientific genius we've made of the world a neighborhood, but through our moral and spiritual genius we've failed to make of it a brotherhood. And the great danger facing us today is not so much the atomic bomb that was created by physical science. Not so much that atomic bomb that you can put in an aeroplane and drop on the heads of hundreds and thousands of people — as dangerous as that is. But the real danger confronting civilization today is that atomic bomb which lies in the hearts and souls of men, capable of exploding into the vilest of hate and into the most damaging selfishness — that's the atomic bomb that we've got to fear today. Problem is with the men. Within the heart and the souls of men. That is the real basis of our problem.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#22

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#22

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#22

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#22

Source: • Source: Wikiquote: "Martin Luther King, Jr." (Quotes, 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences., Rediscovering Lost Values (1954):
"Rediscovering Lost Values", a sermon delivered at Detroit's Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954))

“My friends, all I'm trying to say is that if we are to go forward today, we've got to go back and rediscover some mighty precious values that we've left behind. That's the only way that we would be able to make of our world a better world, and to make of this world what God wants it to be and the real purpose and meaning of it.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#23

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#23

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#23

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#23

Source: • Source: Wikiquote: "Martin Luther King, Jr." (Quotes, 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences., Rediscovering Lost Values (1954):
"Rediscovering Lost Values", a sermon delivered at Detroit's Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954))

“Sometimes, you know, it's necessary to go backward in order to go forward. That's an analogy of life. I remember the other day I was driving out of New York City into Boston, and I stopped off in Bridgeport, Connecticut, to visit some friends. And I went out of New York on a highway that’s known as the Merritt Parkway, it leads into Boston, a very fine parkway. And I stopped in Bridgeport, and after being there for two or three hours I decided to go on to Boston, and I wanted to get back on the Merritt Parkway. And I went out thinking that I was going toward the Merritt Parkway. I started out, and I rode, and I kept riding, and I looked up and I saw a sign saying two miles to a little town that I knew I was to bypass — I wasn't to pass through that particular town. So I thought I was on the wrong road. I stopped and I asked a gentleman on the road which way would I get to the Merritt Parkway. And he said, "The Merritt Parkway is about twelve or fifteen miles back that way. You've got to turn around and go back to the Merritt Parkway; you are out of the way now." In other words, before I could go forward to Boston, I had to go back about twelve or fifteen miles to get to the Merritt Parkway. May it not be that modern man has gotten on the wrong parkway? And if he is to go forward to the city of salvation, he's got to go back and get on the right parkway. [...] Now that's what we've got to do in our world today. We've left a lot of precious values behind; we've lost a lot of precious values. And if we are to go forward, if we are to make this a better world in which to live, we've got to go back. We've got to rediscover these precious values that we've left behind.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#24

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#24

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#24

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#24

Source: • Source: Wikiquote: "Martin Luther King, Jr." (Quotes, 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences., Rediscovering Lost Values (1954):
"Rediscovering Lost Values", a sermon delivered at Detroit's Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954))

“The first principle of value that we need to rediscover is this: that all reality hinges on moral foundations. In other words, that this is a moral universe, and that there are moral laws of the universe just as abiding as the physical laws. I'm not so sure we all believe that.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#25

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#25

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#25

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#25

Source: • Source: Wikiquote: "Martin Luther King, Jr." (Quotes, 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences., Rediscovering Lost Values (1954):
"Rediscovering Lost Values", a sermon delivered at Detroit's Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954))

“We have adopted in the modern world a sort of a relativistic ethic … Most people can't stand up for their convictions, because the majority of people might not be doing it. See, everybody's not doing it, so it must be wrong. And since everybody is doing it, it must be right. So a sort of numerical interpretation of what's right. But I'm here to say to you this morning that some things are right and some things are wrong. Eternally so, absolutely so. It's wrong to hate. It always has been wrong and it always will be wrong. It's wrong in America, it's wrong in Germany, it's wrong in Russia, it's wrong in China. It was wrong in 2000 B.C., and it's wrong in 1954 A.D. It always has been wrong, and it always will be wrong. It's wrong to throw our lives away in riotous living. No matter if everybody in Detroit is doing it, it's wrong. It always will be wrong, and it always has been wrong. It's wrong in every age and it's wrong in every nation. Some things are right and some things are wrong, no matter if everybody is doing the contrary. Some things in this universe are absolute. The God of the universe has made it so. And so long as we adopt this relative attitude toward right and wrong, we're revolting against the very laws of God himself.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#26

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#26

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#26

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#26

Source: • Source: Wikiquote: "Martin Luther King, Jr." (Quotes, 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences., Rediscovering Lost Values (1954):
"Rediscovering Lost Values", a sermon delivered at Detroit's Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954))

“Now that isn't the only thing that convinces me that we've strayed away from this attitude, this principle. The other thing is that we have adopted a sort of a pragmatic test for right and wrong — whatever works is right. If it works, it's all right. Nothing is wrong but that which does not work. If you don't get caught, it's right. … That's the attitude, isn't it? It's all right to disobey the Ten Commandments, but just don't disobey the eleventh, "Thou shall not get caught." … That's the attitude. That's the prevailing attitude in our culture. No matter what you do, just do it with a bit of finesse. You know, a sort of attitude of the survival of the slickest. Not the Darwinian survival of the fittest, but the survival of the slickest — whoever can be the slickest is the one who right. It's all right to lie, but lie with dignity. … It's all right to steal and to rob and extort, but do it with a bit of finesse. It's even all right to hate, but just dress your hate up in the garments of love and make it appear that you are loving when you are actually hating. Just get by! That's the thing that's right according to this new ethic. My friends, that attitude is destroying the soul of our culture! It's destroying our nation! The thing that we need in the world today is a group of men and women who will stand up for right and to be opposed to wrong, wherever it is.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#27

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#27

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#27

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#27

Source: • Source: Wikiquote: "Martin Luther King, Jr." (Quotes, 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences., Rediscovering Lost Values (1954):
"Rediscovering Lost Values", a sermon delivered at Detroit's Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954))

“All I'm trying to say to you is that our world hinges on moral foundations. God has made it so. God has made the universe to be based on a moral law. So long as man disobeys it he is revolting against God. That's what we need in the world today: people who will stand for right and goodness. It's not enough to know the intricacies of zoology and biology, but we must know the intricacies of law. It is not enough to know that two and two makes four, but we've got to know somehow that it's right to be honest and just with our brothers. It's not enough to know all about our philosophical and mathematical disciplines, but we've got to know the simple disciplines of being honest and loving and just with all humanity. If we don't learn it, we will destroy ourselves by the misuse of our own powers.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#28

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#28

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#28

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#28

Source: • Source: Wikiquote: "Martin Luther King, Jr." (Quotes, 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences., Rediscovering Lost Values (1954):
"Rediscovering Lost Values", a sermon delivered at Detroit's Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954))

“There is something in this universe that justifies the biblical writer in saying, "You shall reap what you sow." This is a law-abiding universe. This is a moral universe. It hinges on moral foundations. If we are to make of this a better world, we've got to go back and rediscover that precious value that we've left behind.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#29

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King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html#29

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html#29

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html#29

Source: • Source: Wikiquote: "Martin Luther King, Jr." (Quotes, 1950s:
There are often multiple sources for some famous statements by King; as a professional speaker and minister he used some significant phrases with only slight variation many times in his essays, books, and his speeches to different audiences., Rediscovering Lost Values (1954):
"Rediscovering Lost Values", a sermon delivered at Detroit's Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954))

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Use the citations below to reference quotations on this page:

For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

King Jr., Martin Luther (2021, August 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes. Retrieved from,-Jr.-quotes.html

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King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 4 August 2021,,-Jr.-quotes.html

MLA Citation: Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

King Jr., Martin Luther. “Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes: 1–30 of 465 Quotes.” Last modified August 4, 2021.,-Jr.-quotes.html

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