Louis IX of France Quotes

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About Louis IX of France

Louis IX (or Louis the Saint) (April 25 1214 – August 25 1270) was king of France from 1226. A biography of him was written by one of his barons, Jean de Joinville. Louis was canonized in 1297.

Born: April 25th, 1214

Died: August 25th, 1270

Categories: French people, Monarchs, Saints, 13th century deaths

Quotes: 6 sourced quotes total

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Words (count)215 - 39
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Wikipedia: Louis IX of France
Joinville's biography of Louis IX in the original Middle French.
Joinville's biography of Louis IX in the English translation by Ethel Wedgwood.
Je ameroie mieus que uns Escoz venist d'Escosse et gouvernast le peuple du royaume bien et loyaument, que que tu le gouvernasses mal apertement.
Louis IX of France
• I would rather have a Scot come from Scotland to govern the people of this kingdom well and justly than that you should govern them ill in the sight of all the world.
• Page 167. http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/chroniq/joinv/JV003.htm
• Speaking to his eldest son, Louis.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Louis IX of France" (Sourced, Jean de Joinville Livre des saintes paroles et des bons faiz nostre roy saint Looys: English quotations and page-numbers are taken from Margaret R. B. Shaw (trans.) Chronicles of the Crusades (Harmondsworth: Penguin, [1963] 1973).)
A justices tenir et à droitures soies loiaus et roides à tes sougiez, sans tourner à destre ne à senestre, mais adès à droit, et soustien la querelle dou povre jeusques à tant que la verités soit desclairie.
Louis IX of France
• In order to deal justly and equitably with your subjects, be straightforward and firm, turning neither to the right hand nor to the left, but always following what is just, and upholding the cause of the poor till the truth be made clear.
• Page 348. http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/chroniq/joinv/JV145.htm
• To his successor Philippe.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Louis IX of France" (Sourced, Jean de Joinville Livre des saintes paroles et des bons faiz nostre roy saint Looys: English quotations and page-numbers are taken from Margaret R. B. Shaw (trans.) Chronicles of the Crusades (Harmondsworth: Penguin, [1963] 1973).)
On se doit assemer en robes et en armes en tel manière que li preudome de cest siècle ne dient que on en face trop, ne les joenes gens de cest siècle ne dient que on en face peu.
Louis IX of France
• Our clothing and our armour ought to be of such a kind that men of mature experience will not say that we have spent too much on them, nor younger men say we have spent too little.
• Page 171. http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/chroniq/joinv/JV006.htm
• Source: Wikiquote: "Louis IX of France" (Sourced, Jean de Joinville Livre des saintes paroles et des bons faiz nostre roy saint Looys: English quotations and page-numbers are taken from Margaret R. B. Shaw (trans.) Chronicles of the Crusades (Harmondsworth: Penguin, [1963] 1973).)

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