Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Quotes

1 Quote

About Karl Schmidt-Rottluff

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (1 December 1884 – 10 August 1976) was a German expressionist painter and printmaker.

Born: December 1st, 1884

Died: August 10th, 1976

Categories: Germans, Painters, 1970s deaths

Quotes: 1 sourced quote total

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Words (count)4242 - 42
Search Results280280 - 280
The essence of art can never change. I'm convinced you can't talk about art. At best, you will have a translation, a poetic paraphrase, & as for that I'll leave that to the poets. '''New Program - Kunst & Kunstler Berlin 1914''

End Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Quote