João Magueijo Quotes

11 Quotes Sorted by Search Results (Descending)

About João Magueijo

João Magueijo (zh-'wow ma-'gay-zhoo) (born in 1967) is a professor of theoretical physics at Imperial College, London, where he was for three years a Royal Society Research Fellow. He has been a visiting scientist at the University of California at Berkeley and Princeton University, and received his doctorate in Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University.

Born: 1967

Categories: Authors, Educators

Quotes: 11 sourced quotes total

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Words (count)3515 - 66
Search Results1510 - 30
Inflation is really like drugging the baby universe with speed. The supercool union of the hitherto unfriendly gods was blessed by amphetamine, and this made the universe inflate rather than just expand. The early orgy of expansion in the universe comes to an abrupt end as soon as the supercooled particle stuff finally freezes.
João Magueijo
• pg. 115
• Source: Wikiquote: "João Magueijo" (Sourced, Faster than the Speed of Light: Magueijo, João (2003), Faster than the Speed of Light: the Story of a Scientific Speculation place: New York, publisher: Penguin Group, ISBN: 0-14-200361-1)
I've always felt that copious use of the word 'something' allows anyone to solve any problem, even insoluble ones.
João Magueijo
• pg. 107
• Source: Wikiquote: "João Magueijo" (Sourced, Faster than the Speed of Light: Magueijo, João (2003), Faster than the Speed of Light: the Story of a Scientific Speculation place: New York, publisher: Penguin Group, ISBN: 0-14-200361-1)
And indeed, if VSL is correct, black holes may have very different properties than we thought. Collapsing stars could have a totally different demise and die a rather eccentric death.
João Magueijo
• pg. 10
• Source: Wikiquote: "João Magueijo" (Sourced, Faster than the Speed of Light: Magueijo, João (2003), Faster than the Speed of Light: the Story of a Scientific Speculation place: New York, publisher: Penguin Group, ISBN: 0-14-200361-1)
Thus, the distance between any two galaxies increases in time, creating the illusion of mechanical motion. But in reality, galaxies just sit there, contemplating the spectacle of the universe creating more and more space in between them.
João Magueijo
• pg. 87
• Source: Wikiquote: "João Magueijo" (Sourced, Faster than the Speed of Light: Magueijo, João (2003), Faster than the Speed of Light: the Story of a Scientific Speculation place: New York, publisher: Penguin Group, ISBN: 0-14-200361-1)
For instance, the blood of hibernating arctic squirrels may supercool to minus 3 degrees, when it would normally congeal. The supercooled blood still flows, since it remains a liquid, but the slightest disturbance will cause it to freeze, killing the squirrel; therefore, you should not disturb hibernating arctic squirrels.
João Magueijo
• pg. 113
• Source: Wikiquote: "João Magueijo" (Sourced, Faster than the Speed of Light: Magueijo, João (2003), Faster than the Speed of Light: the Story of a Scientific Speculation place: New York, publisher: Penguin Group, ISBN: 0-14-200361-1)
The game of science can accurately be described as a never-ending insult to human intelligence.
João Magueijo
• pg. 13
• Source: Wikiquote: "João Magueijo" (Sourced, Faster than the Speed of Light: Magueijo, João (2003), Faster than the Speed of Light: the Story of a Scientific Speculation place: New York, publisher: Penguin Group, ISBN: 0-14-200361-1)
Although the term dialogue was really a euphemism for scientists trying to kill each other, this format worked very well...
João Magueijo
• pg. 137
• Source: Wikiquote: "João Magueijo" (Sourced, Faster than the Speed of Light: Magueijo, João (2003), Faster than the Speed of Light: the Story of a Scientific Speculation place: New York, publisher: Penguin Group, ISBN: 0-14-200361-1)
Ever since then, the place has accommodated people with the necessary level of imbalance required to come up with new ideas.
João Magueijo
• On Cambridge, pg. 129
• Source: Wikiquote: "João Magueijo" (Sourced, Faster than the Speed of Light: Magueijo, João (2003), Faster than the Speed of Light: the Story of a Scientific Speculation place: New York, publisher: Penguin Group, ISBN: 0-14-200361-1)
Cornelia would not be altogether surprised if she saw the grazing cow start tap dancing, lap dancing, or whatever quantum gravity might cause cows to do.
João Magueijo
• pg. 249
• Source: Wikiquote: "João Magueijo" (Sourced, Faster than the Speed of Light: Magueijo, João (2003), Faster than the Speed of Light: the Story of a Scientific Speculation place: New York, publisher: Penguin Group, ISBN: 0-14-200361-1)
It was then that through the open door Einstein saw the man connecting the new battery, and precisely at the same time he did it, Einstein saw the cows jumping up away from the wire. All at once. Exactly. A fair amount of displeased mooing ensued.
João Magueijo
• pg. 16
• Source: Wikiquote: "João Magueijo" (Sourced, Faster than the Speed of Light: Magueijo, João (2003), Faster than the Speed of Light: the Story of a Scientific Speculation place: New York, publisher: Penguin Group, ISBN: 0-14-200361-1)
In that year [Einstein] had roughly equal numbers of large and small cats. Therefore, quite logically, he cut two holes in each door: a large one for the large cats, and a small one for the small cats. It made perfect sense. ... A hole should have a meaningful existence, and the small cats might be offended if a personalized nothing was not prepared for them.
João Magueijo
• pg. 71
• Source: Wikiquote: "João Magueijo" (Sourced, Faster than the Speed of Light: Magueijo, João (2003), Faster than the Speed of Light: the Story of a Scientific Speculation place: New York, publisher: Penguin Group, ISBN: 0-14-200361-1)

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