John Gilmore Quotes

4 Quotes Sorted by Search Results (Descending)

About John Gilmore

John Gilmore (born 1955) is an American computer science innovator, Libertarian, Internet activist, and one of the founders of Electronic Frontier Foundation. He created the alt..@. hierarchy in Usenet and is a major contributor to the GNU project.

Born: 1955

Categories: Computer scientists, Activists, Americans, Living people, Free speech activists

Quotes: 4 sourced quotes total

Meta dataAverageRange
Words (count)117 - 15
Search Results6310 - 210
The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.
How many of you have broken no laws this month?
If you're watching everybody, you're watching nobody.
When the X500 revolution comes, your name will be lined against the wall and shot.

End John Gilmore Quotes