Jack Nicklaus Quotes

3 Quotes Sorted by Search Results (Descending)

About Jack Nicklaus

Jack William Nicklaus (born January 21, 1940), also known as "The Golden Bear", is generally regarded as one of the greatest golfers of all time.

Born: January 21st, 1940

Categories: Golfers, Living people, People from Ohio

Quotes: 3 sourced quotes total (includes 1 about)

Meta dataAverageRange
Words (count)1514 - 17
Search Results5020 - 110
The older you get the stronger the wind gets—and it’s always in your face.
I would never deny that Jack Nicklaus is the greatest player who ever lived.
It's hard not to play golf that's up to Jack Nicklaus standards when you are Jack Nicklaus.

End Jack Nicklaus Quotes