Hippocrates Quotes 31–36 of 36 Quotes

Below are 6 of 36 sourced Hippocrates quotes. Sources and related information appear under each quote. Use the 'Cite this quote' link to get citation references.

“Certain sophists and physicians say that it is not possible for any one to know medicine who does not know what man is, and that who ever would cure men properly, must learn this in the first place. But this saying rather appertains to philosophy, as Empedocles and certain others have described what man in his origin is, and how he first was made and constructed. But I think whatever such has been said or written by sophist or physician concerning nature has less connexion with the art of medicine than with the art of painting. And I think that one cannot know anything certain respecting nature from any other quarter than from medicine... Wherefore it appears to me necessary to every physician to be skilled in nature, and strive to know... what man is in relation to the articles of food and drink, and to his other occupations, and what are the effects of each of them to every one.”

— Hippocrates

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#1

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#1

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#1

Source: • Source: Wikiquote: "Hippocrates" (Quotes, Ancient Medicine:
Tr. Francis Adams, The Genuine Works of Hippocrates (1849) Vol. 1, unless otherwise noted.)

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Hippocrates (Disputed)

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Hippocrates (2021, August 5) Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#2

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#2

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#2

Quote source: This is often attributed to Hippocrates but does not appear in the Hippocratic corpus. See Diana Cardenas, "Let not thy food be confused with thy medicine: The Hippocratic misquotation", e-SPEN: The European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism XXX:6 (October 2013).

“Walking is man's best medicine.”

Hippocrates (Disputed)

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Hippocrates (2021, August 5) Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#3

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#3

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#3

Quote source: Also appears as "Walking is the best medicine". This aphorism appears in dozens of journals, books and blogs as a quote attributed to Hippocrates, but does not occur in any of his surviving works. It is often claimed that he "said", rather than wrote, the statement, but this too could not be verified. The following was written in the Loeb version of Regimen 1:
   "Walking is a natural exercise, much more so than the other exercises, but there is something violent about it."
  This is considered to be the best match for the quote by Helen King in her book Hippocrates Now: The ‘Father of Medicine’ in the Internet Age (p.109)

“Both Plato and Aristotle approved of abortion, the former in the interests of wise population policy, the latter chiefly on the ground that it was an element of the family’s proper freedom in the state. Hippocrates’ words on the subject are, in the original Greek, somewhat less blunt and categorical than modern takers of the Hippocratic Oath have sometimes suggested. All Hippocrates says is: “I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion.” There were other means of abortion known to the Greeks, none of which Hippocrates abjures.”

Evelyn B. Kelly

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Hippocrates (2021, August 5) Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#4

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#4

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#4

Quote source: Evelyn B. Kelly, Stem Cells (Greenwood Press 2007 ISBN 0-313-33763-2), p.2

“The Pythagoreans, rather than Hippocrates himself, are believed to have been responsible for the passage in the Hippocratic Oath that prohibits assisting a woman to bring about an abortion: “I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, not suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give a woman a remedy to produce abortion.” The doubt about whether Hipporates actually wrote the prohibition on abortion in the oath attributed to him is due to the fact that Hippocrates (c. 460-377 B.C.E.) believed that fetuses became animated, not at conception, but on thirtieth day of gestation for male fetuses and the forty-second day for females.”

Jeffrey H. Reiman

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Hippocrates (2021, August 5) Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#5

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#5

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#5

Quote source: Jeffrey H. Reiman, Abortion and the Ways We Value Human Life, (Rowman & Littlefield 1998 ISBN 978-0-8476-9208-8), ch.1, "Abortion, from Hammurabi’s Code to Roe v. Wade", p.17

“The Christian church father Tertullian accused Hippocrates of possessing one of the brutal instruments designed to dismember a fetus in a breech birth. Although no surviving Hippocratic treatise has instructions on this procedure, it was performed in those years to save the life of the mother. One Hippocratic work, Nature of the Child, describes the procedure of abortion by manipulation called Lacedamonian leap in the case of a six-day-old-embryo: “jump up and down, touching her buttocks with her heels at each leap [for] . . . seven times”; after this, “there was a noise; the seed fell out on the ground” . . . “as though someone had removed the shell from a raw egg.””

John M. Riddle

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Hippocrates (2021, August 5) Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes. Retrieved from https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#6

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#6

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html#6

Quote source: John M. Riddle, Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance, Harvard University Press, 1992, pp. 76-77

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” QuotesCosmos.com, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021, https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html

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Hippocrates. “Hippocrates Quotes: 31–36 of 36 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021. https://www.quotescosmos.com/people/Hippocrates-quotes-2.html

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