Hebe de Bonafini Quotes

3 Quotes Sorted by Search Results (Descending)

About Hebe de Bonafini

Hebe de Bonafini (born 4 December 1928) is a Human Rights activist from Argentina.

Born: December 4th, 1928

Categories: Argentines, Activists, Living people

Quotes: 3 sourced quotes total

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Words (count)267 - 43
Search Results1010 - 10
Uribe is a shit and a bastard
Verbitsky is a servant of the United States. He receives a salary form the Ford Foundation, and in addition to being a Jew, is totally pro-North American.
When the attack happened I was in Cuba, visiting my daughter, and I felt happiness. It didn’t hurt me at all, because, as I always say in my speeches, our dead children will be avenged the day when people, any people, are happy.

End Hebe de Bonafini Quotes