Frederick Terman Quotes

2 Quotes Sorted by Search Results (Descending)

About Frederick Terman

Frederick Emmons Terman (June 7, 1900 – December 19, 1982) was an American academic. He is widely credited (together with William Shockley) with being the father of Silicon Valley.

Born: June 7th, 1900

Died: December 19th, 1982

Categories: Engineers, Americans, 1980s deaths

Quotes: 2 sourced quotes total

Meta dataAverageRange
Words (count)1917 - 20
Search Results1010 - 10
It is better to have one seven-foot jumper on your team than any number of six-foot jumpers.
I most enjoy helping to build something up, taking an unformulated enterprise and making it into what it could become.

End Frederick Terman Quotes