Donald Trump Quotes 631–660 of 1525 Quotes

Below are 30 of 1525 sourced Donald Trump quotes. Sources and related information appear under each quote. Use the 'Cite this quote' link to get citation references.

“History is written by the dreamers, not the doubters.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, June

“I love all people, rich or poor, but in those particular positions I just don't want a poor person.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, June

“We're thinking about building the wall as a solar wall, so it creates energy, and pays for itself. And this way Mexico will have to pay much less money, and that's good, right, is that good? You're the first group I've told that to, a solar wall, makes sense, let's see, we're working it out, we'll see, solar wall, panels, beautiful. I mean actually think of it, the higher it goes the more valuable it is, it's like... pretty good imagination [points to his own head], right, good? My idea.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, June President Trump Holds a Rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (21 June 2017)

“Well I didn't tape him — you never know what's happening, when you see that the Obama administration, and perhaps longer than that, was doing all of this unmasking and, er, surveillance, and you read all about it, and I've been reading about for the last couple of months about the seriousness of the, and horrible situation, with surveillance all over the place, and you've been hearing the word 'unmasking', a word you probably never heard before, so you never know what's out there — but I didn't tape, and I don't have any tape, and I didn't tape.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, June

“Well, er, it wasn't, er, it wasn't very stupid, I can tell you that. [In response to the interviewer suggesting that his tweeting that there were tapes was a smart tactic]”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, June Trump interviewed by Ainsley Earhardt on Fox & Friends (23 June 2017)

“I heard poorly rated*orning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, June Trump Mocks Mika Brzezinski (29 June 2017)

“The human soul yearns for discovery. By unlocking the mysteries of the universe, we unlock truths within ourselves. That's true. Our journey into space will not only make us stronger and more prosperous, but will unite us behind grand ambitions and bring us all closer together. Wouldn't that be nice? Can you believe that space is going to do that? I thought politics would do that. (Laughter.) Well, we'll have to rely on space instead.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, June

“Every launch into the skies is another step forward toward a future where our differences seem small against the vast expanse of our common humanity. Sometimes you have to view things from a distance in order to see the real truth. It is America's destiny to be at the forefront of humanity's eternal quest for knowledge and to be the leader amongst nations on our adventure into the great unknown.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, June

“Space. A lotta room out there, right? [Buzz Aldrin interjects: To infinity and beyond!] This is infinity, it could be infinity, we don't really don't know, but it could be, there's gotta be something, but it could be infinity, right?”

— Donald Trump

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, June Trump speaking while signing an Executive Order on the National Space Council (30 June 2017)

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“...let Obamacare fail, it will be a lot easier. And I think we're probably in that position where we'll let Obamacare fail. We're not going to own it. I'm not going to own it. I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it. We'll let Obamacare fail, and then the Democrats are going to come to us.”

— Donald Trump

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, July White House press conference, Date: 2017-07-18, quoted in Thomas Kaplan (2017-07-18), "‘Let Obamacare Fail,’ Trump Says as G.O.P. Health Bill Collapses", New York Times

“I am disappointed in the Attorney General, he should not have recused himself, almost immediately after he took office, and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me prior to taking office, and I would have quite simply picked somebody else, so I think that's a bad thing, not for the President but for the presidency, I think it's unfair to the presidency, and that's the way I feel.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, July Trump responding to a question about Jeff Sessions in a White House press briefing (25 July 2017)

“I said please don't be too nice. Like when you guys put somebody in the car, and you're protecting their head, you know, the way you put the hand over, like, don't hit their head, and they've just killed somebody, don't hit their head? I said, you can take the hand away, OK.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, July Speaking to police officers at Suffolk County Community College, Long Island (28 July 2017) 2017 National Scout Jamboree (July 24, 2017) Trump inspiring young people at the 2017 National Scout Jamboree (24 July 2017)

“I said, who the hell wants to speak about politics when I'm in front of the boy scouts, right?”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, July

“You know, I go to Washington and I see all these politicians, and I see the swamp, and it's not a good place, in fact, today I said we ought to change it from the word 'swamp' to the word 'cesspool' or perhaps to the word 'sewer'. But it's not good, not good.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, July

“Secretary Tom Price is also here. Today Dr. Price still lives the scout oath, helping to keep millions of Americans strong and healthy as our Secretary of Health and Human Services, and he's doing a great job. And, hopefully, he's going to get the votes tomorrow to start our path toward killing this horrible thing known as Obamacare that's really hurting us, folks. By the way, you going to get the votes? He better get them. He better get them. Oh, he better, otherwise I'll say, "Tom, you're fired."”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, July

“Turn those cameras back there, please, that is so incredible. By the way, what do you think the chances are that this incredible, massive crowd, record-setting is going to be shown on television tonight? 1% or zero? The fake media will say, "President Trump", and you know what this is, "President Trump spoke before a small crowd of boy scouts today."”

— Donald Trump

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, July

“By the way, just a question, did President Obama ever come to a jamboree?”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, July

“And you know we have a tremendous disadvantage in the electoral college, popular vote is much easier.”

— Donald Trump

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, July

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“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides [repeat intentional]. This had been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. A long, long time.”

— Donald Trump

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, August First statement regarding White Nationalist Rally terrorism in Charlottesville, VA. The Guardian. (12 August 2017)

“Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans. Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America. As a candidate I promised to restore law and order to our country and our federal law enforcement agencies are following through on that pledge. We will spare no resource in fighting so that every American child can grow up free from violence and fear. We will defend and protect the sacred rights of all Americans and we will work together so that every citizen in this blessed land is free to follow their dreams, in their hearts, and to express the love and joy in our souls.”

— Donald Trump

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, August Subsequent statement regarding the violence at a far-right Charlottesville, VA rally held on August 11-12, 2017; Trump calls KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists 'repugnant' (14 August 2017)

“I think there's blame on both sides, you look at, you look at both sides, I think there's blame on both sides, and I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either. If you reported it accurately, you would say that the neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. Excuse me. They didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis. You had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group — excuse me, excuse me — I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. [Reporters crosstalk] Well, George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down — excuse me — are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him. Good. Are we going to take down his statue? He was a major slave owner. Are we going to take down his statue? It is fine. You are changing history and culture. You had people — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, they should be condemned totally — you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group too.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Source: 2010s, 2017, August

“The statement I made on Saturday, the first statement, was a fine statement.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, August Trump, again, casts blame on both sides for deadly violence in Virginia at a press briefing in Trump Tower, New York (15 August 2017) Transcripts:

“The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented. It's that socialism has been faithfully implemented.”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, September In his first address to the United Nations. (19 September 2017)

“The only thing you could do better is if you see it, even if it's one player, leave the stadium, I guarantee things will stop. Things will stop. Just pick up and leave. Pick up and leave. Not the same game anymore anyway. Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, you'd say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out! He's fired. He's fired!”

— Donald Trump

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Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

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Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

More on this quote: 2010s, 2017, September Referring at a rally in Huntsville, AL to protests by NFL players against the U.S. flag.
• Aric Jenkins (2017-09-22), "Donald Trump Called for NFL Players to Be Fired for National Anthem Kneeling — And They Responded", Fortune

“All appropriate departments of our government from Homeland Security to Defense are engaged fully in the disaster and the response and recovery effort probably has never been seen for something like this. This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water.”

— Donald Trump

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For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

More on this quote: 2010s, 2017, September Regarding Hurricane Maria
• Emily Shugerman (2017-09-29), "Donald Trump says Puerto Rico is 'an island surrounded by big water'", The Independent place: UK

“You guys know what this represents? Maybe it's the calm before the storm. [Reporter: What's the storm?] Could be the calm, the calm, before the storm. [Reporter: What storm Mr. President?] We have the world's great military people in this room, I'll tell you that, and we're going to have a great evening. [Reporter: What storm Mr. President?] You'll find out.”

— Donald Trump

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Use the following citations in bold to cite the above quote for reference purposes. To cite multiple quotes, use the cite this page section below.

For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, October Speaking during a photo op at the White House (6 October 2017)

“The media is — really, the word, I think one of the greatest of all terms I've come up with is "fake". I guess other people have used it, perhaps, over the years, but I've never noticed it.”

— Donald Trump

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Use the following citations in bold to cite the above quote for reference purposes. To cite multiple quotes, use the cite this page section below.

For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

Quote source: 2010s, 2017, October Daniel Dale (2017-10-08), "Donald Trump defends paper towels in Puerto Rico, says Stephen Paddock was ‘probably smart' in bizarre TV interview: Analysis",

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Use the citations below to reference quotations on this page:

For general use. A combination of the APA, Chicago and MLA citation styles.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, Last modified August 5, 2021.

Use APA (American Psychological Association) for education, psychology, and the sciences.

Trump, Donald (2021, August 5) Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes. Retrieved from

Use Chicago style for business, fine arts, and history.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.”, edited by QuotesCosmos, 5 August 2021,

MLA Citation: Use MLA (Modern Language Association) style for the humanities, especially language and literature.

Trump, Donald. “Donald Trump Quotes: 631–660 of 1525 Quotes.” Last modified August 5, 2021.

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