As'ad AbuKhalil Quotes

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About As'ad AbuKhalil

As'ad AbuKhalil (Arabic: أسعد أبو خليل; born March 16, 1960) is a professor of political science at California State University, Stanislaus and visiting professor at University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of Historical Dictionary of Lebanon (1998) and Bin Laden, Islam & America's New "War on Terrorism" (2002). He maintains a blog, The Angry Arab News Service, in which he describes himself as an "atheist secularist".

Born: March 16th, 1960

Categories: Americans, Arabs, Lebanese, Academics, Living people

Quotes: 3 sourced quotes total

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Words (count)3513 - 49
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Paris Hilton gets more coverage than Congo, Darfur, Palestine, and Nahr Al-Barid combined.
The Soviet occupation of Afghanistan gave us the Taliban. The American occupation of Saudi Arabia gave us bin Laden and Al Qaeda. The Israeli occupation of Lebanon gave us Hezbollah. Let us see what the American occupation of Iraq is going to give us.
I have lived half of my life in "Western society" and never encountered those principles [listed by the NYT as "Western" ]. What is wrong with me. … So Mr. Bush stands for "gender equality, religious freedom, scientific inquiry and the rule of law" and I have never noticed?

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