My Life Quotes

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Part of my life is saving life.
"I don't do anything. My life sucks."
My life for you! MY LIFE FOR YOU!!
Fictional last words in literature
• Who: Andrew Quick, Alias The Tick-Tock Man
• Source: The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
• Note: Character had been nearly mortally injured in Book III by Jake, but rescued by Randall Flagg, to whom this devotion was referencing. He charges Roland and his ka-tet at Flagg's command, but is easily gunned down.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Fictional last words in literature" (E-K, Stephen King works, The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass)
'''Shouka... I will give you my life force."
Calvin: Reality continues to ruin my life.
I want to make a poem of my life.
Yukio Mishima
• As quoted by Mishima's biographer, Henry Scott-Stokes in the documentary Yukio Mishima : Samurai Writer (1985)
• Source: Wikiquote: "Yukio Mishima" (Sourced)
Dr. Martin Ellingham:-(To the dog)Get out of my life!
My life is as if you've hit me with it.
Extra Ordinary: My life as NUMBER 7 by Vanya Hargreeves
The Umbrella Academy
• Title of book written by Vanya

Vanya: [answers sleepily] "Hello?"
The Conductor: "You know your father is dead, right?"
Vanya: [sits up, alert] "Who is this?"
The Conductor: "I suppose I didn't expect you to be broken wrote a lot of nasty things about your family in that book of yours."
Vanya: [looking out the blinds suspiciously] "What do you want?"
The Conductor: "I'm conducting a suite--the first of it's kind. It appears my chair for first violin has been rendered...vacant. I'd like you to audition."
Vanya: "And why would I do that?"
The Conductor: "Revenge. Be at the Icarus theater at noon tomorrow." [hangs up]
• Source: Wikiquote: "The Umbrella Academy" (The Day The Eiffel Tower Went Berserk)
Sorry, but I won’t just hand over my life’s work.
You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.
Sometimes it feels like my life is just one long day.
John Mayer
• On rediscovering his huge collection of Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan posters he had as a teenager
• Mayer, John (October 4, 2007). "Proof" Retrieved September 4, 2007
• Source: Wikiquote: "John Mayer" (Sourced, On himself)
It is education that has altered my life. Carried me far.
For Beatrice--When we met, my life began. Soon afterwards, yours ended
It's in an inland sea that the river of my life ended.
When I was twenty, I chose my life. It wasn't this one.
He's a genius...a classical dancer like I never saw in my life.
Dovewing: Tigerheart can't be part of my life... but Bumblestripe could be.
Socialism and SF are the two most fundamental influences in my life.
My choice is the old world — my choice, my need, my life.
My life may not be something special But it's never been lived before.
The most difficult element is perhaps the lack of privacy in my life.
Why should I worry about dying? It's not going to happen in my lifetime!
These thoughts form not only the foundation of my work, but of my life.
I suffer with you. I've never seen such stupid ballplaying in all my life!
All my life l have sought the essence of flight. Flight — what bliss'
I don't think there is a need for an entity like God in my life.
I've lived on royalties all my life. It is the readers who have supported me.
My life's a cup of sugar I borrowed before time began and forgot to return.
Grant me grace, O God! that I My life may mend, sith I must die.
Robert Southwell
• Line 53; p. 138.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Robert Southwell" (Sourced: Quotations are cited from William B. Turnbull (ed.) The Poetical Works of the Rev. Robert Southwell (London: John Russell Smith, 1856)., Upon the Image of Death)
And I been waitin' all my life And I been havin' big dreams times twice
The purpose of my life is to try out the ideas I have for it.
The only thing I really ever wanted to be was a cartoonist. That's my life. Drawing.
Charles M. Schulz
• Address to the Sonoma County Press Club as quoted in the Sonoma County Press Democrat (13 February 2000)
• Source: Wikiquote: "Charles M. Schulz" (Sourced)
The most exciting moment of my life was appearing on the same stage as Little Richard.
About Little Richard
• Keith Richards, p. 120.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Little Richard" (Quotes about Little Richard, The Life and Times of Little Richard: The Authorized Biography (2003): White, Charles (2003), The Life and Times of Little Richard: The Authorized Biography. Omnibus Press.)
The drumbeat of the electrical transportation is accelerating like nothing I've ever seen in my life.
Everyone said how tormented directors can be. I've never enjoyed something so much in my life!
Pagers are my life--I try to get them in to our music as much as possible.
The rest of my life belongs to my culture, my language, my God and my nation.
If you are normal, I intend to be a freak for the rest of my life
Vivian Stanshall
• My Pink Half of the Drainpipe
• Source: Wikiquote: "Vivian Stanshall" (Quotes, My Pink Half of the Drainpipe: Song on "The Doughnut In Granny's Greenhouse" LP)
“All my life,” I said, “knowledge has come to me for which I was not ready.”
Tanith Lee
• Book Three, Part III “Inside the Hollow Star”, Chapter 1 (p. 379)
• Source: Wikiquote: "Tanith Lee" (Quotes, The Birthgrave (1975): All page numbers from the first edition published by Daw Books )
I love my profession. I would never stop. Relax? I relax when I work. It's my life.
For most of my life, one of the persons most baffled by my own work was myself.
I need a lullaby a kiss goodnight angel sweet love of my life o, I need this
A very special thanks to all the women that have cum in and out of my life.
But it is not time for me to die; I have not yet finished my life's work.
Garfield: Hey, Jon, what's new?
Jon: My life stinks.
Garfield: I said what's NEW?
(2 Aug 1993)
I have wedded the cause of human improvement, staked on it my fortune, my reputation and my life.
I am proud that I have devoted all my life to the struggle for the triumph of Leninism.
I take the greatest lesson from compassion — it takes away all the conceit out of my life.
‘Tell me something about your life, ‘he said. ‘My life?’ the rickshaw-wallah asked. ‘I do not have one.’
Facing up to the Nazis and the powers of the Nazi state coloured my life as an artist.
What I do with my life is of my own doing. I live it the best way I can.
The first twenty years of my life were wasted...I didn't fit my environment, and I didn't know any other.
Arnold: You want to be a part of my life, I'm not editing out the parts you don't like.
I’m deeply grateful to be Jewish. I feel it’s enriched my life and I feel very strongly about Jewishness.
My life is great because I made it that way. Anything other than happiness doesn't get a pass key.
Love is meant for husbands, but my love for Hitler is stronger, I would give my life for it.
The unconventional and uninhibited way of living was a part of my life. I won't be like that now.
All my life my mother has told me I'm hard to shop for. She can't find the bacon aisle!
I've been in trouble most of my life. No stealing or anything like that, just fights. It's all fights.
Separate from the pleasure of your company, I don't much care if I never see a mountain in my life.
Sir, my life, drab and insipid though it may seem to others, is the only life given me to live.
My life seemed to be a series of events and accidents. Yet when I look back I see a pattern.
Boyfriends? In my life I have had three. Three. Only a handful of people have seen into the Pharaoh's tomb.
Can we begin again? Save it for another friend, I was happy in my life I won’t pretend. ~ "EZ"
[Reed Richards: But I swear to you that I will spend the rest of my life forgetting you] Think again.
I have to respect my life, and free expression is part of my life. I can never really silence myself.
Death stares at me/ Death pushes me forward/ Attracts me onwards/ And carries me on/ And that is my life!
Across my life only one word will be written: "waste" - waste of love, waste of talent, waste of enterprise.
Violet Trefusis
• Author: Mitchell A. Leaska, Violet to Vita: The Letters of Violet Trefusis to Vita Sackville-West, 1910-1921, published in (1990), pg.242
• Source: Wikiquote: "Violet Trefusis" (Quotes)
Sometimes I don’t know if my life is complicated, or if it’s that I just think too much about things.
I adore the concept of being in love with one guy and spending the rest of my life with him.
All my life I have worked to change concepts, and that begins with how people see and understand the problems.
Lionel Messi. Oh… I think this guy is fantastic. He’s the best player I have ever seen in my life.
I've bought more music for my Ipod in one year than I bought in the last ten years of my life.
At least half of my life’s many mistakes can be safely put down to impetuosity: the other half derive from inertia.
Everything in my life is planned. It adds stability, but it makes me yearn for something that's not planned, that's spontaneous.
Winning the IBF title was the greatest night of my life. To give it up outside the ring is truly painful.
“One of the best players I've ever seen in my life! Spectacular on training! Playing with him was a joy!.”
Jesus, my life is Thine, And ever more shall be Hidden in Thee, For nothing can untwine Thy life from mine.
Frances Ridley Havergal
• P. 610.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Frances Ridley Havergal" (Sourced, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895): Quotes reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895).)
It seems like 'Hollywood' to you because you've never served. What I’ve done in my life, you see in the movies.
My parents wrote their own rules, so it didn’t seem odd to me to invent my life as I went along.
Corazon Vda. De Berenguer: I have had enough weak men in my life and I don't want another one for a son!
On Thee alone my hope relies, Beneath Thy cross I fall; My Lord! my Life! my Sacrifice! My Saviour! and my All!
Anne Steele
• Reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895), p. 82.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Anne Steele" (Sourced)
Next to the discovery of the Turkana boy, the visit to Lascaux ranks as one of the great moments of my life.
Messi is the best player I’ve seen in my life. Not just better but much better. Much faster. Much, much more skilful.
The greatest theatre that I experienced in my life was The Living Theatre and they were Off-Off-Broadway. And that was in the fifties.
My art is rooted in a single reflection: why am I not as others are? … my art gives meaning to my life.
It is the one event in my life of which I am most ashamed and I have long feared would be made public.
If you love me true And if you love me true I'll spend my life with you And Timer You're a jigsaw, Timer
Daine: "I thought they'd killed you. I lost my temper." Numair: "Magelet, that is the greatest understatement I've ever heard in my life."
The most important thing in my life, its leitmotif, has been the constant and close contacts with working people, with workers and peasants.
Leonid Brezhnev
• As quoted in Sputnik : Digest (1967), p. 48
• Source: Wikiquote: "Leonid Brezhnev" (Sourced: Communists have always viewed the national question through the prism of the class struggle, believing that its solution has to be subordinated to the interests of the Revolution, to the interests of socialism. That is why Communists and all fighters for socialism believe that the main aspect of the national question is unification of the working people, regardless of their national origin, in the common struggle against every type of oppression, and for a new social system which rules out exploitation of the working people.)
Music is my life, if I am without music or if I can't sing any more, I die, I'm nothing...because music is everything.
You've made my life so glamorous, You can't blame me for feeling amorous. 'S wonderful, 's marvellous That you should care for me.
May I borrow your wheelbarrow? — I didn't lay down my life in World War II so that you could borrow my wheelbarrow
Adrian Mitchell
• "Ten Ways to Avoid Lending Your Wheelbarrow to Anybody", from Adrian Mitchell's Greatest Hits (1991).
• Source: Wikiquote: "Adrian Mitchell" (Sourced)
There has never been any division between my life and my work.Zero to Infinity: Arte Povera 1962-1972: Marisa Merz, retrieved: 17 January 2010
Thus let me hold thee to my heart, And every care resign: And we shall never, never part, My life—my all that's mine!
• Oliver Goldsmith, The Hermit, Stanza 39.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Love" (Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations: Quotes reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 464-84.)
If I could start my life all over again . . . you damn well better believe I would be a Pittsburgh Steeler.
Too much going on, never in my life thought that I'd had to worry about anything of this sort, rather than my mehendi!
I spent the first ten years of my life in Germany, the following ten in Paris, the following ten between Argentine and Uruguay.
I'm trying to find a man to share my life with, but it's not been easy. I'm a 35-year-old woman with two small children!
All that stuff with the tabloids is a kind of luxury tax I pay for all the good things I do in my life.
I spent this time polishing up the software/hardware documentation, renaming registers to be more meaningful. This was actually time well spent in my life.
You know this moment in time Is all my life Every day is each day that's passed Every person alive is everyone's who's died
Jimi Hendrix changed my life. Each generation influences the following one and as a consequence brings it back to the past. (L'Express newspaper 2000)
If one perpetually thinks of me, and makes me his sole refuge, I become his debtor and will give my life to save him.
I don't care what people think. This is my life. I know who I am. I stood up for my rights and my life.
It was long ago in my life as a simple reporter that I decided that facts must never get in the way of truth.
I try to really understand every aspect of the most high; for me, the most high is Allah... I live my life by Islam.
I wish sometimes that I just didn't have to think about any of this, and could drone away my life. It would be easier.
I cannot say that I have been hindered all my life by the permutation of genes that resulted in me being born a woman.
The day I joined this Israeli and Arabs youth movement, my life began to get complicated. Suddenly it was no longer black and white.
I have grown up with guns all my life, but people who like assault weapons they should join the United States Army, we have them.
He's been the moving force behind my life and the life of my family. For us he is God almighty and therefore we are pained.
About Sathya Sai Baba
• Sunil Gavaskar, Former Cricketer (As quoted in Hindustan Times, April 25, 2011 and
• Source: Wikiquote: "Sathya Sai Baba" (Quotes about Sathya Sai Baba)
I'm happier than the morning sun, And that's the way you said that it would be, If I should ever bring you inside my life.
I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.
All my life, I thought I was a Conservative. Now I know that I have never been one. The scales have dropped from my eyes.
To me, God is the accumulated wisdom I've gathered throughout my life. When I pay attention, my body gives me a printout of this wisdom.
Warren Farrell
• p. 183.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Warren Farrell" (Sourced, Interview by Jonathan Robinson (1994): From Jonathan Robinson, Bridges to Heaven: How Well-Known Seekers Define and Deepen their Connection With God (Walpole, NH: Stillpoint, 1994), a collection of interviews of various 'Seekers'.)
It was clear that if I didn't spend the rest of my life concentrating on string theory, I would simply be missing my life's calling.
I had devoted too much of my life to this utterly irrational game. I would chuck the whole thing and take to Strindberg for amusement.
I am a proud Korean – a proud "Moonie" – and a dedicated anti-Communist and I intend to remain so the rest of my life.
Bo Hi Pak
Inquisition: The Persecution and Prosecution of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, by Carlton Sherwood, 1991, Regnery Gateway, page 558, isbn 9780895265326
• Source: Wikiquote: "Bo Hi Pak" (Sourced)
O lord! my boy, my Arthur, my fair son! My life, my joy, my food, my all the world! My widow-comfort, and my sorrow's cure!
The damning tho't stuck in my throat and cut me like a knife, That she, whom all my life I'd loved, should be another's wife.
• H. G. Bell, The Uncle. Written for and recited by Henry Irving.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Jealousy" (Sourced, Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations: Quotes reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 403-04.)
The way I would live my life is: never do something in real life that I would not want to write about in my Autobiography.
My life was in crisis. All my values were becoming meaningless. I was discovering that my chosen profession was empty, foolish, as useless as—as playing chess.
I don't hear that many current records that really change my life... I've found it in Jeff Buckley, and I find it in Björk on occasion.
About Jeff Buckley
Daniel Lanois – Music Producer, from ("Listen to This!: Leading Musicians Recommend Their Favorite Recordings" by In Alan Reder and John Baxterís)
• Source: Wikiquote: "Jeff Buckley" (About Jeff Buckley, Sourced)
It was the lowest point of my life. I just kept thinking, 'What have I done to deserve this?' I didn't see the point in living.
See, Majesty? See your traitor’s needle? Do you think that I who've given my life to the service of the Atreides would give them less now?
Fictional last words in literature
• Who: Thufir Hawat
• Source: Dune
• Notes: Character has been commanded to kill Paul, but says the first sentence to the Emperor before committing suicide by stabbing himself with an extremely poisonous gom jabbar, which he had apparently been ordered to use on Paul.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Fictional last words in literature" (A-F, Dune series)
I had as many ideas as I have now, only I did not know how to choose from among them those that belonged to my life.
I have never started a fight in my life but I have finished a few... sometimes I shudder when I think about what I have done.
All hail the conquering hero. My best friend betrayed me, so I shot him. Distracted by a kiss, I let the love of my life die.
Mother and father abandoned me at birth and the author of my life also did not write any worth or merit on the page of destiny.
• His confessional statements on his own experiences made in Kavitavali quoted in "A Garden of Deeds: Ramacharitmanas, a Message of Human Ethics", p. 49
• Source: Wikiquote: "Tulsidas" (Quotes)
So much about religion has to do with rigid, sacrosanct preciousness. I don't live my life that way, and I don't feel that's what Baha'u'llah teaches.
My talent lies in the expression of my life and creative power through light, colour and form. As a painter I can convey the essence of life.
László Moholy-Nagy
Art of the 20th century, Part 1 by Karl Ruhrberg, Klaus Honnef, Manfred Schneckenburger, Ingo F. Walther, Christiane Fricke (2000) p. 178.
• Source: Wikiquote: "László Moholy-Nagy" (Sourced)
My dream has come true. I play with the great players and on a great team. I'm smiling and happy and enjoying the time of my life.
Sometimes I have a feeling, when I look back on my life, that all I’ve been through has prepared me perfectly for just what I’m doing now.
Warren Farrell
• p. 163.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Warren Farrell" (Sourced, Interview by Jonathan Robinson (1994): From Jonathan Robinson, Bridges to Heaven: How Well-Known Seekers Define and Deepen their Connection With God (Walpole, NH: Stillpoint, 1994), a collection of interviews of various 'Seekers'.)
If I could start my life all over again, I would be a professional football player. And you damn well better belive I'd be a Pittsburgh Steeler.
One of the problems with fame … is they try to pigeonhole you… like I’m stuck with The Greening of America for the rest of my life.
To look straight into the eyes of my death/ My non-being/ To face myself as living and dying/ In the bare nakedness of my life and non-life.
I never had any hesitation or regrets in this sense. My life has been enriched by excellent human relations, work and interests. I have never felt lonely.
Let us face the truth: why should I feel guilty for being alive? Why should I sacrifice my life in order to prove that I am strong?
Maybe if I could bear my life as it is for one day, for one hour, for one minute, I could forget my wish to be something else.
An orange on the table Your robe on the carpet And you in my bed Sweet present of the present Coolness of the night Warmth of my life.
As I get older, the tyranny that football exerts over my life, and therefore over the lives of the people around me, is less reasonable and less attractive.
I used to say that I spent half my life breaking bones on the rugby field, then the other half putting them back together in the operating theatre.
The Oscar is definitely the biggest moment in my life. I know he has won so many awards. But this one is special because he is representing India.
“I haven’t organized my life as a narrative, you know. I’m not sure you’ll understand.” “As listeners, we are not required to understand,” said Qiingi. “Only to care.”
Wasting our time? This is a waste of time, to live in peace and plenty with my wife and children? May I waste the rest of my life, then.
In my life as an architect, I found that the single thing which inhibits young professionals, new students most severely, is their acceptance of standards that are too low.
I am still suffering from my experience in Rwanda, I never know when I'm going to drive my car off a bridge, or just decide to take my life.
My lifestyle changed when this wonderful person came into my life. I couldn't sleep for years. All of a sudden, I don't know why or how, but I slept.
The Baroness was like Jesus Christ and Shakespeare all rolled into one and perhaps she was the most influential person to me in the early part of my life.
When I reflect upon my life, I can clearly see how my passion for running has dominated my life. The images that flash through my mind are those running....running…running…
Calvin: Mom and Dad say I should make my life an example of the principles I believe in...But every time I do, they tell me to stop it.
Me, as myself, I don't think I'm particularly funny. But I've noticed that people in my life always have found me amusing. Which, when I was little, really bothered me.
I killed nobody that didn't deserve killing. In all of these here killings there was no alternative. You couldn't call them cold-blooded killings.... It was either my life or theirs.
Just once in my life a man tried to embrace me. It was horrible! He had big boots, a heavy belt, huge gloves. Faugh! Oh, let's not talk about men.
People say having kids is life changing, well that doesn't necessarily mean a good thing, does it? I could take one of my legs off. That would change my life.
Music is 99% of my life. But I know I need a break. Besides, if you give people too much, they start to not want it. We need to restrain ourselves.
I've made some strides in trying to understand myself, I think. And I think that in my life I'm less afraid of being thought a coward than I used to be.
People, I am the son of the people. I pledge before God that I will sacrifice myself for your sake. I shall offer my life in defence of the Iraqi people.
Abd al-Karim Qasim
• August 5, 1958, as quoted in Dr Lorenzo Kimball (1972) The Changing of Political Power in Iraq, 1958 to 1971.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Abd al-Karim Qasim" (Quotes)
In fact, my main conclusion after spending ten years of my life working on the TEX project is that software is hard. It’s harder than anything else I’ve ever had to do.
I have fought my fight, I have lived my life, I have drunk my share of wine; From Trier to Köln there was never a knight Had a merrier life than mine.
I'm going to spend my life writing poems, turning them into music that will affect people and touch their hearts. I'm going to write the songs that people can't write for themselves.
Finally, my life was a story. My days would no longer feel like a video game that resets to zero every time I wake up, and then begs for coins. (p. 143)
I've just sort of gone with the flow and I ended up here. Crazy. I'm not going to start planning anything, my life is way better than anybody could have planned it.
I keep some portion of my early gleam; Brokenly bright, like moonbeams on a river, It lights my life, a far illusive dream, Moves as I move, and leads me on forever.
The whole history of my life, and in essence the whole history of the working class consists of this: that we have lived and fought under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin.
Farewell the hope that mocked, farewell despair That went before me still and made the pace. The earth is full of graves, and mine was there Before my life began; my resting-place.
At this point in my life, I find myself obsessed with alternate paths I could’ve taken. I don’t think about this with a sense of regret, but with a sense of wonder...
If you wanna play it like a game, well, come one, come on, let's play. Cause I'd rather waste my life pretending; than have to forget you for one whole minute ...
I want to kill Grandma? It’s not respectful to say someone wants to kill Grandma when I spent sixteen years of my life putting my life on the line to protect Grandma.
I respect a lot of players in this league. But to me basketball is just a little aspect of my life. I enjoy the game because it's fun. But it is a game.
Hakeem Olajuwon
Slam dunk - interview with basketball player Hakeem Olajuwon - Interview, Feb, 1994 by Spike Lee.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Hakeem Olajuwon" (Sourced Quotes)
My ambition has always been to reduce a building’s support to a minimum. The more we diminish supporting structures, the more audacious and important the architecture is. That has been my life’s work.
A Voice:
Help! Save me! I can see you, though you cannot see me. I am like a mouse in the claws of a cat; my life is not worth a minute's purchase.
For the rest of my life, the one song that people will remember -- regardless -- is "Conga" . . . I never get tired of singing it. It never gets old for me.
You're always waiting on the tide, It's time you decide. I've walked down long roads that seem to have no end at all. You never wanted time to end, To let my life offend.
I spent my life learning to feel less. Every day I felt less. Is that growing old? Or is it something worse? You can not protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.
The fast of Lent, culminating in Good Friday, is an important part of my life as … God, principally through fasting, but also through prayer, Bible study, alms-giving, and attending special [[w:Church services|church services.
Anita: My life works for me right now, but it wouldn't work for a child. Ronnie: Why, because you don't have a husband? Anita: No, because people try to kill me on a semiregular basis.
So fishing contributed to an important lesson of my life -how to be alone. I still think solitude is one of the world's great gifts. "Se sei solo," wrote Leonardo da Vinci, "sarai tutto tuo"
My boobs are the bane of my life, they're a real burden. Every time I have a baby, I go up two sizes. I'll probably be an E cup after this. I can't bear it.
And I was struck all at once how life was out there going through its regular courses, and I was suspended, waiting, caught in a terrible crevice between living my life and not living it.
“And you think they’ll let you,” said Machine. It was a flat, sad statement. “No,” she said, “but nobody ever let me do anything in my life before and I never let that stop me.”
Each of these moments brings back bitter sweet memories as they represent the different stages of my life, a life that has been kept afloat by my intense determination to triumph in my chosen vocation.
The main thing for me right now is just to live my life with my family and friends. They treat me like Leo, not 'Leonardo, Master Thespian'. That's all I need to keep my sanity.
(Sylvia) What do you hope never to hear your pilot say? 1) ”I had the worst fight of my life with my wife this morning.” 2) “Let’s see how fast this baby will go.” 3) “Whoops.”
Sometimes I feel that a more rational explanation for all that has happened during my lifetime is that I am still only thirteen years old, reading Jules Verne or H. G. Wells, and have fallen asleep.
Penguin Books India has had a long and wonderful association with Khushwant Singh. He has delighted generations of readers, and we are immensely proud to present 'Khushwantnama: The Lessons of My Life' on his 98th birthday,"
Having begun my life in science searching for the equation beyond time, I now believe that the deepest secret of the universe is that its essence rests in how it unfolds moment by moment in time.
My life is an unfinished product, but instead of just saying, 'How do I top what I've accomplished,' I decided I wanted to move forward, express my growth and take a big step into the next chapter."
Football is the most important thing in my life, but I do have a life outside football and this is one part. The TV, the music, the fashion - it all goes to make up Rio Ferdinand.
When I was little I definitely was sad a lot and I used to dream. I used to get these obsessive crushes on non-available guys. Not any more, but that was my life for a long time.
And I am standing here because the woman I share my life with has taught me and demonstrates for me every day just what love is. [Voice breaks as wife Rita Wilson tearfully mouths 'I love you'.]
Thinking very hard about the same problem for several hours can produce a severe fatigue, close to a breakdown. I never really experienced a breakdown, but have felt "strange inside" two or three times during my life.
On the day Billy was born, it was like walking through a mirror and everything was Technicolor. My life had been very work-orientated, and all in close-up. Once I had the family it went into sudden widescreen.
Her star had just begun to shine so brightly. Though she was ours for only a short time, what a time it was. I love Aaliyah, and I will miss her for the rest of my life.
The important thing for me, then, is not the "work," but my life. Life is not the means for the achievement of an esthetic ideal of perfection; on the contrary, the work is an ethical symbol of life.
I, marry? Oh, I could never bring myself to do it. I would have been in mortal misery all my life for fear my wife might say, "That's a pretty little thing," after I had finished a picture.
It’s not me that’s obsessed with my weight, it’s everyone else. I know that I’m healthy, so I don’t really feel the need to answer to anyone. I’ve never substituted a meal for a salad in my life.
I decided a long time ago I didn’t want to be a star personality and live my life out in public. I don’t think it’s a good idea to wave personality about like a flag and become labeled.
Everything is tres-chique in my life now. I've adapted, set up the house, moved the family in. Sometimes my wife visits me. The only thing left is to start playing football... but this hasn't worked out so far
People like to define you through what they’ve seen you do … There are aspects of my personality, I guess, that come through on-screen, but I don’t sit around thinking, I’ve been a bumbling suitor all my life.
Tess:No,uh uh, you know there's only one man that I could see spending the rest of my life with, and unfortunately, except for a really drunk night in Reno 25,000 years ago, he bats for the other team
I realized that I don't have to be perfect. All I have to do is show up and enjoy the messy, imperfect and beautiful journey of my life. It's a trip more wonderful than I could have imagined.
As for my feelings toward "Over the Rainbow", it's become part of my life. It is so symbolic of all dreams and wishes that I'm sure that's why people sometimes get tears in their eyes when they hear it.
If I really believed in Friedman's economic theory, then I'd be quite satisfied to spend the rest of my life with a garden hose shoved down my throat, being filled with custard by representatives of the people of China.
That's what I want to do with my life. I would love to be a photographer, I want to come to London to study. I hear there are some great schools here so I would love to do that.
My life is ticking away one subway token at a time - a never ending pirouette of arriving and departing, pushing through turnstiles, nodding goodbye and hello. In eight hours I'll be allowed to turn around and go home.
Calvin: I'm sick of everyone telling me what to do all the time! I hate my life! I hate everything! I wish I was DEAD! [pause] Well, no I don't. Not really. I wish everyone ELSE was dead.
To devote oneself to vigilance when the enemy is an imaginary one is idle, and to congratulate oneself for looking long and well for a foe that is not coming is foolish and sinful. My life has been a waste.
All my life I have felt myself to be on the edge of things. All my life I have suffered from bad dreams. All my life I have had difficulty in knowing whether I am awake or in a nightmare.
I would make any sacrifice but this; twenty times I can stake my life, even my honour, but my freedom I shall never sell. Why do I prize it so much? … What am I aiming at? Nothing, absolutely nothing.
Yeah. We're in a special place, Ian. We've seen some football matches in our time. But, I've never seen? Seen a game like this, or been in a spectacle like this. I'll remember this for the rest of my life.
I had to attend this party instantly and I didn't have shoes. So I went and bought a pair of shoes worth 1,200 Euro. I look at those shoes and go 'This is the most expensive bite of my life'.
To be in contact with scientists, to become in a small way a scientist myself if possible, perhaps to cast new light on physical phenomena, to be able to uncover what is real and definitive, was my life's great dream.
Ernest Solvay
• quoted by Pierre Marage, Grégoire Wallenborn (1999), The Solvay Councils and the Birth of Modern Physics publisher: Birkhäuser Verlag, ISBN: 3-764-35705-3
• Source: Wikiquote: "Ernest Solvay" (Sourced)
I want not to panic. I want to be comfortable in my body and my life. I don't want to keep thinking that I don't belong here, that I have ended up on the wrong planet, completely alienated. (from Changeling)
I've missed more than nine thousand shots in my career. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
• Michael Jordan, as quoted in Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins : The Paradox of Innovation (2003), by Richard Farson and Ralph Keyes, p. 32.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Game" (Quotes)
All my life as an artist I have asked myself: What pushes me continually to make sculpture? I have found the answer — at least the answer for myself. Art is an action against death. It is denial of death.
Jacques Lipchitz
• p. 202
• Source: Wikiquote: "Jacques Lipchitz" (Quotes, Jacques Lipchitz: The Artist at Work, 1966: Jacques Lipchitz in: Bert Van Bork (1966) ..Jacques Lipchitz: The Artist at Work.'')
There were times in my life when I couldn't feel much, not sadness or pity or passion, and somehow I blamed this place for what I had become, and I blamed it for taking away the person I had once been.
The mess of my life, the selfishnesses and false turnings and the treacheries, all these things could fall into place, they could become a source of construction rather than a source of chaos, and precisely because I had no other choice.
Art and work and art and life are very connected and my whole life has been absurd. There isn't a thing in my life that has happened that hasn't been extreme - personal health, family, economic situations...absurdity is the key word...
Eva Hesse
Art since 1940, strategies of being, Jonathan Fineberg, copyright Prentice Hall, Inc. 1995. ISBN 0 13 045469 9
• Source: Wikiquote: "Eva Hesse" (Sourced)
I am a fanatic for big waves. I just can’t resist them and the urge to paddle out and try to ride the biggest waves of all is the most compelling thing in my life, the most moving challenge I know.
Bob Pike (surfer)
• Source: Wikiquote: "Bob Pike (surfer)" (Quotes, “With Your Whole Heart Jumping”: Quotes from Pike's “With Your Whole Heart Jumping”, chapter 10 of The Surfrider (1963), compiled by Jack Pollard.)
All my life with all my heart I wanted the union of Crete and Greece. I wanted it to be sustained by profound mutual affection. I swear that was my only desire. . . . Greece will never see me again.
For the first time in my life, I have to grab the monks by the throat. Me! The most religious man in the Kingdom! Because I've had enough- more than enough! My subjects and the elite among my subjects must obey!
Norodom Sihanouk
• Reaction to two Buddhist orders sympathising with communist rebels (1952), as quoted in Philip Short (2004) Pol Pot: The History of a Nightmare, page 84
• Source: Wikiquote: "Norodom Sihanouk" (Sourced)
What had sounded like a great idea in the newsroom, ended up being the longest and most embarrassing moment of my life. Cameras clicked away and Pricasso kept rubbing his bum with colours of purple, pink and orange against my likeness.
When I look back on my life and consider all the way I have been led, above all I thank God to Whom I owe everything, for all His goodness to me and ascribe to Him all the praise and honour.
Sinitta and Jackie are my family now. I don't think of them as ex-girlfriends anymore. They are an extension of my life... It must be infuriating, but I'd never change because my ex-girlfriends are so close I couldn't imagine life without them.
It's been real weird. It wasn't how I expected my life to turn out. Especially, mainly pertaining to the show. It never crossed my mind that one day I'm gonna be big and famous and have my own TV show, you know?
They (his Street scene paintings and drawings) originated in the years 1911-14, in one of the loneliest times of my life, during which an agonizing restlessness drove me out onto the streets day and night, which were filled with people and cars.
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
• Notebook entry ‘Meine Strasenbilder’, 24 Augustus 1919; as quoted in “Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Meisterwerke der Druckgraphik”, M. M. Moeller, Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart 1990 p. 184
• Source: Wikiquote: "Ernst Ludwig Kirchner" (Sourced, 1910s)
You took me weak and unprepared. I had not thought that you who shared My days, my nights, my heart, my life, Would slash me with a naked knife And gently tell me not to bleed But to accept your crazy creed.
What would I tell her? That I have always known I belonged here? That one day some action will be required that will prove my life's value? A forty-six-year-old man, waiting for fate to take over... it likely already has. (p. 269)
All my life I have entirely missed the point; and the turning, as I also have no sense of direction. This long period of uncertainty in the twilight land of the fuddled (it is now more than sixty years) has taken its toll.
It took me a long time to adjust and narrow down my life. I made my shift to the mind-set … there's time for my daughter outside work and that's all. This is my new life. This is not drudgery. This is fun.
As I get older I realise that start has made me rather, well, different. It set down a tremendous template for the rest of my life. I grew up believing the piano is a great instrument because you can play everything on it.
It was very emotional, actually. In the front of the book I wrote something Anton Chekhov wrote to the woman he ended up spending the rest of his life with: "Hello, the last page of my life." Which I thought was very appropriate.
Now I climb the steps to freedom,
The open gates, I can see them.
Hands once I knew
Beckoning me through,
As the sunlight touch my face,
I can feel the warm embrace;
Arms surround me,
My life has found me...
Earth Moving
I had just come to accept that my life would be ordinary when extraordinary things began to happen. The first of those came as a terrible shock and, like anything else that changes you forever, split my life into halves: Before and After."
Well, here I suppose is my life, or part of it, by which I would wish to be judged... poems which have been written from a sense of compulsion, a real need to explore and articulate experiences which have been important to me.
We should have put the Kennedy assassination to rest a long time ago. Now I've given twenty-five years of my life to this. It's up to the American people to decide who is right and who is wrong. I've done what I can.
That hard work included picking cotton at age seven in the rows beside Mama Nelson. Picking cotton is hard and painful work, and the most lasting lesson I learned in the fields was that I didn't want to spend my life picking cotton.
I have no joy in strife, Peace is my great desire; Yet God forbid I lose my life Through fear to face the fire.A peaceful man must fight For that which peace demands,— Freedom and faith, honor and right, Defend with heart and hands.
I try not to take my life for granted. I have friends who have tendinitis. That would kill me. A short break from the violin is fine, but if I don't touch it for three or four days, my fingers start to feel funny.
(On his Emmy nomination) I am humbled by the nomination. I got to work with a cast and writers made up of geniuses. The good news is I can finally realize my life long dream and buy my wife a solid gold speed boat."
I was not a cruel person. I didn't commit murder because I enjoyed causing pain. I had pets all my life and I wanted to be a veterinarian. I never was a bully, or provoked fights, or picked on people weaker than I was.
When I left Scientology, I lost every friend I ha. Then I went to see Marty. He gave me certainty, gave me hope, and made me realise I wasn't alone. He picked up the broken pieces of my life and put them back together.
My dear Aysel. First I want you to strongly believe and to be sure that I love you with all my heart. You should not doubt this. I love you and I will always love you into eternity; My life, My love, My dear.
My life was fashioned by the Institute. There is no question that my whole career would have been completely different if I had not had the remarkable opportunity of participating in a place that is so single-mindedly determined to let your own imagination flourish.
I don't care for the applause one gets by saying what others are thinking; I want actually to change people's thoughts. Power over people's minds is the main personal desire of my life; and this sort of power is not acquired by saying popular things.
In a different era, I would have called myself a natural philosopher. All my life, I have enjoyed the reputation of being someone who disrupted prevailing ideas. Now that I'm in my 80th year, I can play on my age and provoke people even more.
It wasn’t as direct as me saying “I now make the choice to bring the paparazzi into my life.” I really said, “I now make the choice to sleep with Jessica Simpson.” That was stronger than my desire to stay out of the paparazzi’s eye.
It was a remarkable time of my life. I don’t think anyone except the few people who have played James Bond can tell you how strange and special it is and how much your life changes. I have no regrets about doing it at all.
In the presence of this blood banner which represents our Führer, I swear to devote all my energies and my strength to the saviour of our country, Adolf Hitler. I am willing and ready to give up my life for him, so help me God.
Baldur von Schirach
• An oath written by Schirach about Hitler. Quoted in "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany" - Page 253 - by William Lawrence Shirer - Germany - 1990
• Source: Wikiquote: "Baldur von Schirach" (Sourced)
And what have I to give my friends in the last resort?
An awkwardness, a shyness, and a scrap,
No thing that's truly me, a bootless waste,
A waste of myself and them, for my life is mine
And theirs presumably theirs, and cannot touch.
Vita Sackville-West
• "Days I enjoy" quoted in Vita and Virginia : The Work and Friendship of V. Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf (1993) by Suzanne Raitt, p. 89
• Source: Wikiquote: "Vita Sackville-West" (Quotes)
Oh and the last thing was Olivia Gondek, it says that I wanted to eat her pussy. Olivia Gondek, I've never said that in my life to her. I would never do that. I'm happily married. I've got more than enough to eat at home..."
I am not beholden to a Jewish tradition based on divine law and belief, but rather see Judaism as a golden heritage of rigorous inquiry, wisdom and discussion of the human condition which offers me profound wisdom and guidance in how I live my life.
I am not beholden to a Jewish tradition based on divine law and belief, but rather see Judaism as a golden heritage of rigorous inquiry, wisdom and discussion of the human condition which offers me profound wisdom and guidance in how I live my life.”
As seen in my loneliness, there was this difference between the Bible and the newspapers. The one reminded one that, apart from God, my life was but a bubble of air, and it bade me remember my Creator; the other fostered arrogance and loneliness. (p. 254)
One of the wise men I met in my life was the Maharishi. I always was impressed by his joy and I truly believe he knows where he is going.  Quoted from: Ringo Starr "Beatles pay tribute to late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi", AFP (February 7, 2008)
All my life I have done nothing but feel and cultivate my feelings; all their lives they had done nothing but strive for petty goals, the trivial material prizes of American life. We shared a common tongue, but my language was a different language from theirs.
The man saved my life. It's ingrained in my memory to this day. I don't know what Neil's regimen is every day at the park, but I'm sure when he looks out to that Roberto Clemente wall in right field, he probably thinks about that too.
My life may be much happier to-morrow Hunger and love that press against the body, The two eternal needs we recognise, Desires that so relentlessly pursue one, May get me down or raise me to the skies And make me a Don Bradman or Don Juan.
If I hadn't refused Ken Russell, Fellini and Spielberg and made their movies when they asked me, my life would be no different. It is not my fault that I accepted one movie and turned down another. I don't see any point in defending myself, either.
Coralee, baby? [Coralee: Yeah?] What do you say we take a vacation? Go to Vegas, catch Wayne Newton's act, hop over to the Bahamas, and then we'll skip over to Paris? Hey, did I tell you? Polanski wants to film my life story. All of 'em.
With a sword hanging over my head, in peril of my life, I discover the religious crisis with a primitivity such as if I had not known of them before, with such a primitivity that if they had not been I would have to discover them.
It was too much for me to handle, and I stopped caring about my life and my future. I even stopped caring about what people thought of me. I hid myself away in the online World of Warcraft, a place where I felt comfortable and secure.
To me, song writing is so therapeutic, it's just part of my life and I can't go through the day without having some kind of song idea pop into my head where I have to write Sharpie all over my arm trying to remember the song idea."
I don't think about (being) the face of the NHL - I just enjoy my time right now. Playing in the NHL was my dream come true and I'm playing with great players. I feel trust and I'm happy because I'm having the time of my life.
Alexander Ovechkin
• Kevin McGran (October 28, 2006) "'Having the time of my life' - Capitals' Alexander Ovechkin says he loves to deliver hits and isn't averse to taking a few, either Rangers' Lundqvist's experiencing problems keeping the puck out this season, by Kevin McGran", The Toronto Star, p. E05.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Alexander Ovechkin" (Sourced)
It was not a ban from the government. It was a cancellation by people who felt I should not be with Stokely because he was a rebel to them. I didn't care about that. He was somebody I loved, who loved me, and it was my life.
I want more than anything for my children to be happy, and I love them because they are sad, and the erratic project of kneading that sadness into joy is the engine of my life as a father, as a son, as a friend—and as a writer.
Andrew Solomon
• Ch. 12 Father, p. 701.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Andrew Solomon" (Sourced, Far from the Tree: Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity (2012). Scribner, New York. ISBN 0-743-23671-8)
All my life I have felt most strongly against social distinction of any kind. I have at all time tried to paint to the best of my ability and would only hope that any remembrance of me when I'm am gone will be base on my work.
L. S. Lowry
• Letter of 1967 and 1970 to Prime Ministers Wilson and Heath declining knighthood.L. S. Lowry - A Biography by Shelley Rhode Lowry Press 1999 ISBN 9781902970011.
• Source: Wikiquote: "L. S. Lowry" (Sourced, Other)
It all came back to my guruji saying bahut kali-ka rup dekhaya tumne. (You have shown a lot of Kali in you). Calm down a little bit. Parvati-ka roop lo. (Take on the image of Odisssi dancer Protima Bedi: 'I have been a hippie all my life
I was born in the south of India but I've never lived there. I went to school in Bombay, and in Hong Kong and in New York. But the place I've lived in the most is Bombay, because I've been there at various stages of my life.
To be a catalyst is one of my life’s objectives. I’ve been inspired by many people who in turn have been catalysts. It’s very interesting to see the waves of interest come and go in Celtic territory. If I can be a catalyst for other people, that’s wonderful.
I have a history, a long history of being stereotyped as a five-foot-two woman, which is very limiting. I've worked so hard to create characters that have dignity. And I think everybody knows that I have a very pro-woman message in my work — and in my life.
Führer, my Führer given me by God. Protect and preserve my life for long. You rescued Germany from its deepest need. I thank you for my daily bread. Stay for a long time with me, leave me not. Führer, my Führer, my faith, my light. Hail my Führer.
Baldur von Schirach
• A prayer written by Schirach and repeated by the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) before meals. Quoted in "The Trial of the Germans" - Page 288 - by Eugene Davidson - History - 1997
• Source: Wikiquote: "Baldur von Schirach" (Sourced)
It was terribly difficult. It's not something I ever wanted in my life. Naively I just thought, 'oh I've got this great part'. I never thought about the reality of all the stuff that went with it. I'm actually quite a shy person when I'm not on stage.
There were times and you want to be free My love is growing stronger, as you become a habit to me. Oh I've been loving you a little too long I don't wanna stop now, oh. With you my life, Has been so wonderful. I can't stop now.
“I was very different from most kids. I would stay home and write and put on shows when other people would go to the football game, and… I think I just put all that energy into wanting to get out of there and do something with my life.”
[Her birth] was the best moment of my life, by far, and it didn't do it justice watching it on Skype...When I saw my child for the first time it just switched the switch, you know. That's when you realise you love something more than you love yourself.
Get the right actor, and the job's halfway done. I've only miscast major people twice in my life – out of respect to them, I won't tell you who. After a couple of days' shooting, I had to tell them I was letting them go. It was hideous.
It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs. Recently, I relapsed and did things for which I am ashamed. I broke the law, and today I took responsibility by pleading guilty to the charges in my case.
I certainly find being the recipient at this celebratory dinner more pleasurable and rewarding than chicken-pox, having now in my life experienced both. But the small girl was not entirely wrong. Writing is indeed, some kind of affliction in its demands as the most solitary and introspective of occupations.
My gift of John Marshall to the people of the United States was the proudest act of my life. There is no act of my life on which I reflect with more pleasure. I have given to my country a judge equal to a Hole, Holt, or a Mansfield.
About John Marshall
John Adams, from p. 62 of Henry J. Abraham Justices, presidents, and senators: a history of the U.S. Supreme Court New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999
• Source: Wikiquote: "John Marshall" (Quotes about John Marshall)
We're overwhelmed. It matters so much to get this support and being on this bus now is one of the greatest moments of my life...It's great to be able to pay back the fans who travelled half way around the world as well as those who stayed at home.
Rugby World Cup
• England's drop-kick hero Jonny Wilkinson commenting on the support after Englands 2003 victory.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Rugby World Cup" (Sourced, 2003 World Cup)
I have lived half of my life in "Western society" and never encountered those principles [listed by the NYT as "Western" ]. What is wrong with me. … So Mr. Bush stands for "gender equality, religious freedom, scientific inquiry and the rule of law" and I have never noticed?
It'a an immense joy to be here today. I have received from millions of male and female Brazilians the most important mission of my life. This fact, beyond myself, is a demonstration of the democratic development of our country because for the first time a woman will rule Brazil.
Set me free, why don't cha, baby Get out my life, why don't cha, baby 'Cause you don't really love me You just keep me hangin' on. You don't really need me But you keep me hangin' on You don't really need me But you keep me hangin' on.
Elements of Gandhism were by and large inherent in my life style and mode of thinking even after I adopted Marxism. While expressing my ideological difference with Gandhism, I became a political activist who upheld the high values of Gandhism and tried to translate them in my personal lifestyle.
Florentino Pérez: I spent a lot of money in my life to build a powerful team like Real Madrid, but my desire, I always liked the captain of Roma, Francesco Totti. Unfortunately, it was impossible to reach him because Totti always want to remain with his club and his city.
I did think about giving up smoking, but I decided not to, because I'm not a quitter. And I know that every cigarette I smoke takes five minutes off my life, but I also know it takes ten minutes to smoke it. That's a clear five-minute net gain, I reckon.
All my life I have, more of less consciously, sought an alternative way of life to his, one which is purer, one which is more intense and pays less regard to others, which is more exacting, which burns more dangerously, which gives one everything except a flabby happiness. (p. 200)
No doubt, I am proud of the people. I am from the people and I am the son of the people. I will work for the sake of the people. I will sacrifice my life for the liberty of this people and safeguarding, protecting and preserving it from all evils.
Abd al-Karim Qasim
• Speech delivered at the second congress of the peace partisans (April 14, 1959).
• Source: Wikiquote: "Abd al-Karim Qasim" (Quotes, Principles of the 14th July Revolution (1959))
Listening to that performance changed my life. It changed the course of my musical career. I could listen to my heart's voice clearly because the music had helped me understand my mind's deepest desires. Today, I am happy and feel blessed that I followed the path dictated by my heart.
Hariprasad Chaurasia
• On hearing a performance on a woodwind by Pandit Bhola Nath of Varanasi.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Hariprasad Chaurasia" (Quotes, My father's wrestling techniques made my lungs strong: Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia: (5 January 2011), , publisher: DNA India)
I have seen several ups and downs in my life. I have seen several detractors in my life. Why should I bother about that? In my 40 years in politics I have passed through such events and I don't want to take these things seriously. I will take things philosophically.
I felt the theory [of relativity] was about the greatest intellectual advance and illumination that had ever happened. I explained it to Russell, who at that time knew no physics. He was similarly staggered. Suddenly he burst out (to Dora's consternation): ''''To think I have spent my life on absolute muck.''''
If I had written King Lear, I would regret it all my life afterwards. Because that work is so big, that its defects show as huge, its monstrous defects, things even minimal in between some scenes and their possible perfection. It's not the sun with spots; it's a broken greek statue.
Fernando Pessoa
• Original: Se eu tivesse escrito o Rei Lear, levaria com remorsos toda a minha vida de depois. Porque essa obra é tão grande, que enormes avultam os seus defeitos, os seus monstruosos defeitos, as coisas até mínimas que estão entre certas cenas e a perfeição possível delas. Não é o sol com manchas; é uma estátua grega partida.
Ibid., p. 250
• Source: Wikiquote: "Fernando Pessoa" (Quotes, The Book of Disquiet)
This film was pivotal in my life, not so much because it was my first successful effort as a producer and director, but because Hitler was so fascinated by this film that he insisted I make a documentary about the Party rally in Nuremberg. The result was Triumph of the Will.
Performing, for me, is like oxygen. Performing, for me, is like the only thing that is a constant in my life, because you're in all different places doing all different things, but when I get up on stage, that's where I know exactly what to do, that's where I own it.
I've had different opportunities in my life, but I've tried to maintain the spirit of an amateur. Our culture roots everything in the barometer of success and how much money you make. But if you really just aspire to a life in the arts, it's really not a barometer at all.
By My life! But for the obligation to acknowledge the Cause of Him Who is the Testimony of God … I would not have announced this unto thee... All the keys of heaven God hath chosen to place on My right hand, and all the keys of hell on My left...
I have taught – until 10 years ago – for nearly 40 years, that is almost half of my life. And when I think that over – now afterwards -, I come to a surprising conclusion, namely that I did not teach arts as such, but philosophy and psychology of art.
Josef Albers
• p. 459
• Source: Wikiquote: "Josef Albers" (Quotes, 1970s, A conversation with Josef Albers (1970): A conversation with Josef Albers John H. Holloway and John A. Weil, in Leonardo, Vol. 3, No. 4, Oct. 1970, MIT Press,)
Ah, Aphrodite, if I sing no more To thee, God's daughter, powerful as God, It is that thou hast made my life too sweet To hold the added sweetness of a song. There is a quiet at the heart of love, And I have pierced the pain and come to peace.
That's my house and that's my car That's my dog in my backyard There's the window to the room Where she lays her pretty headI planted that tree out by the fence Not long after we moved in That's my kids and that's my wife Who's that man, runnin' my life?
I guess the one thing I really learned from participating in sports was to just never say "no", never stop trying, and to always believe that you can do better than the next fellow. I tried to follow this throughout my life, but I always tried to be respectful about it.
His viciousness and his cruelty to staff was unlike anything that I had ever experienced in my life … He just loved to degrade the staff. He got a kick out of it. He thought it was funny. Anybody who didn't think it was funny, like I didn't, was very suspect.
About David Miscavige
• Stacy Young, former secretary to Miscavige, interviewed in — (1995), Inside the Cult work: The Big Story, publisher: ITV.
• Source: Wikiquote: "David Miscavige" (About)
Happiest day of my life, was when the Defense Department took down its Mercator... I started learning how to make maps while on an Army payroll. So getting to see mine in the Pentagon, flanked by generals, is a little like being a prophet who is finally honored by his hometown.
"When a young man, I read somewhere the following: God the Almighty said, 'All that is too complex is unnecessary, and it is simple that is needed' ... So this has been my lifetime motto – I have been creating weapons to defend the borders of my fatherland, to be simple and reliable."
I risked my life. I came back and wore the ribbons and medals that my commanding officer told me to wear. And now you have the audacity to challenge me after serving this country? You sleep under a blanket of freedom that I helped provide. You should just say thank you.
I didn’t come out of the campaign with the sense that I’d thrown my career away or thrown my life away on what was a fruitless, feckless endeavor. I felt that I had made my mark on the pages of history and laid down some markers for others possibly to follow.
Radical center (politics)
• John B. Anderson, on his 1980 Independent campaign for the U.S. Presidency, as quoted in No Holding Back : The 1980 John B. Anderson Presidential Campaign (2011) by Jim Mason, p. 412
• Source: Wikiquote: "Radical center (politics)" (Quotes)
This interesting reading, and the conversations between my father and myself to which it gave rise, formed in me the free and republican spirit, the proud and indomitable character unable to endure slavery or servitude, which has tormented me throughout my life in situations the least fitted to afford it scope.
In 7th grade, I saw the Allman Brothers play at the Beacon Theatre. I also saw the Dave Mathews Band perform at Giant’s Stadium. Those concerts changed my life. I was inspired so much. In my heart, I knew that was the only thing I wanted to do with my life.
I think honestly if you can wait until you're married I think you should definitely do that, because it's so much more sacred. That you don't go around sleeping with people. But I mean, I really thought I was going to be with him for the rest of my life, I did.
When I was born, God existed. But I never knew Him. I just never knew Him until Guru Maharaj Ji came into my life, till Guru Maharaj Ji came in my way, and showed me and revealed me that secret. And the day he did that, there it was, I knew God.
Laud be to God! even there my life must end. It hath been prophesied to me many years, I should not die but in Jerusalem; Which vainly I supposed the Holy Land: But bear me to that chamber; there I'll lie; In that Jerusalem shall Harry die.   - King Henry IV
All my life I have been acutely aware of a contradiction in the very nature of my existence. For forty-five years I struggled to resolve this dilemma by writing plays and novels. The more I wrote, the more I realized mere words were not enough. So I found another form of expression.
Well you know, that's still my first love. I'll die and say that I was a DB. But you know, there's still time —— there's still time in my life to still be able to fulfill my dream.Gordon, Ken (2006-12-21), Ginn still has dreams about playing defense, publisher: Columbus Dispatch, retrieved: 2007-01-23
Unfortunately, I have dedicated my life to researching and recording the sad tale of the Baudelaire Orphans. There is no reason for you to dedicate yourself to such things, and you might instead dedicate yourself to letting this slippery book slip from your hands into a nearby trash receptacle, or deep pit.
Our lives are so full of activity and "chatter" it’s difficult to find quiet time… Those are the moments that are the most creative for me. The location is less important than the choice to turn other things off. Because I find that the quietest times of my life speak the loudest.
While I pride myself on trying to be creative in all areas of my life, I have occasionally gone overboard, like the time I decided to bring to a party a salad that I constructed, on a huge rattan platter, to look like a miniature scale model of the Gardens of Babylon.
Who said to me, a foetus in the womb, a puling babe, "You have your life, but on the condition that you thus believe?" No one! Not even God! So gentlemen, I say you have no right to make terms for my life. I tell you then — No! I will not recant.
Morris West
• Source: Wikiquote: "Morris West" (Quotes, The Heretic (1968): A play in three acts on the arrest, imprisonment, and trials of Giordano Bruno who was burned at the stake in 1600. )
No, I never wish that. I don't intend to die till I've enjoyed my life. Everyone has a right to happiness and sooner or later I will have it. Youth, health and freedom were meant to be enjoyed and I want to try every pleasure before I am too old to enjoy them.
Amanda: Whose yacht is that?
Elyot: The Duke of Westminster's I expect. It always is.
Amanda: I wish I were on it.
Elyot: I wish you were too.
Amanda: There's no need to be nasty.
Elyot: Yes, there is every need. I've never in my life felt a greater urge to be nasty.
I always said if I lived to get grown and had a chance, I was going to try to get something for my mother and I was going to do something for the black man of the South if it would cost my life; I was determined to see that things were changed.
"All the short years of my life I have been fascinated by the word 'affair.'"It sounds so decadent.And when I say short years, I say so advisedly. They have been painfully short, fifty-nine inches to be precise and that's stretching it."The Affairs of Gidget by Frederick Kohner (1963) Bantam Books, New York, NY
Right now the only thing that I am concerned with in my life is being an artist … I had to suppress it for so many years in high school because I was made fun of but now I'm completely insulated in my box of insanity and I can do whatever I like.
It’s been a crazy year, as always — the story of my life — but it’s been a great year. Right now, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my personal life. I’m happily married. Yeah, there’s lots of ups and downs, but that’s what makes us strong is getting through them all.
Uh oh. I don't think that I can tell who it [the person "Mr. James Dean" references] is, but it was definitely an experience that I went through that was interesting and I learned a lot from that time in my life. I think the song is very funny when I think about it.
They gave me powers of thought and memory far beyond anything natural evolution would have given me, but that doesn't give them the right to decide the meaning of my life as if I were some dream. I decide the meaning. If my life is a dream then it's my dream, I'm the dreamer.
I've known some bad people and some good people in my life, and it's the bad ones who live in fear, all the time. Cause they know their own hearts... And they think everyone else is just waiting to pull the same moves on them that they've got planned to pull on somebody else.
He's the most gifted player that I've ever seen in my life. I've seen a lot of people play. I've seen the (Rod) Lavers; I played against some of the great players—the Samprases, Beckers, Connors', Borgs, you name it. This guy could be the greatest of all time. That, to me, says it all.
Having spent the greater part of my life working in the business world, I am conscious of the need to 'place Christ on top of all human activities,' as Msgr. Escriva put it, so that men and women in every honest working activity can come to know, love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ.
About Opus Dei
• Thomas A. Murphy
No person under eighteen years of age should be allowed to take any vow or long-term commitment in association with Opus Dei.
It is essential that young people who wish to join Opus Dei should first discuss the matter with their parents or legal guardians. If there are, by exception, good reasons for not approaching their families, these reasons should, in every case, be discussed with the local bishop or his delegate.
While it is accepted that those who join Opus Dei take on the proper duties and responsiblities of membership, care must be taken to respect the freedom of the individual; first, the freedom of the individual to join or to leave the organization without undue pressure being exerted; secondly, the freedom of the individual at any stage to choose his or her own spiritual director, whether or not the director is a member of Opus Dei.
Initiative and activities of Opus Dei, within the diocese of Westminster, should carry a clear indication of their sponsorship and management. From Guidelines for Opus Dei within the Diocese of Westminster, 2 December 1981.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Opus Dei" (Catholic leaders, Cardinals and bishops: Many Cardinals and bishops support Opus Dei. According to Messori, one-third of the bishops around the world petitioned for the canonization of Escriva, an unprecedented number, he says. Here are some examples of the comments of some of the Cardinals. Franz Cardinal König, Archbishop of Vienna, who, according to Messori "is considered one of the leaders of the so-called "progressive current," wrote in 1975:
"The magnetic force of Opus Dei probably comes from its profoundly lay spirituality. At the very beginning, in 1928, Msgr. Escriva anticipated the return to the Patrimony of the Church brought by the Second Vatican Council. For those who have followed him, Escriva has recalled with much clarity what the position of the Christian is in the midst of the world. This is opposed to all false spiritualism which amounts to a negation of the central truth of Christianity: faith in the Incarnation."
"The profound humanity of the founder of Opus Dei reflected the shape of our epoch. But his charisma, by which he was chosen to realize a work of God, projected that work into the future. He was able to anticipate the great themes of the Church's pastoral aciton in the dawn of the third millennnium of her history."
In La Vanguardia, 8 January 2002, he wrote: "Escrivá was aware that there were two separate worlds which coexisted, the religious life and professional life, which should in fact walk together. What he preached then was an absolute novelty. But, even if these ideas are now found in the documents of the Magisterium of the Church, it is still being received slowly. As always, when a new thing comes up, a certain scepticism immediately appears....It is not easy to be understood by people who entertain negative doubts." Carlo Maria Cardinal Martini, archbishop emeritus of Milan, S.J., called the "up-to-date and human face of the Church", says:
"The spiritual fecundity of Msgr. Escriva has something of the incredible in it...Someone who writes and speaks as he does manifests to himself and others a sincere, genuine sanctity." Sebastiano Cardinal Baggio, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, wrote a month after the death of Escriva: "We who are his contemporaries do not have the necessary perspective to properly evaluate the historical weight and range of the doctrine, in many aspects revolutionary and ahead of the times and of the incomparably effective pastoral activity and influence of this remarkable man of the Church. But it is evident even today that the life, achiements, and message of the founder of Opus Dei constitutes an about-face, or more exactly a new original chapter in the history of Christian spirituality." Rome, 27 July 1975. Ugo Cardinal Polleti, in the Decree Introducing the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of Msgr. Escriva, 1981: "For having proclaimed the universal call to holiness since he founded Opus Dei in 1928, Msgr. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, has been unanimously recognized as the precursor of precisely what constitutes the fundamental nucleus of the Church's magisterium, a message of such fruitfulness in the life of the Church. Joseph Cardinal Frings, Archbishop of Cologne from 1942-1967, wrote to Paul VI and described the founder of Opus Dei as a pioneer of lay spirituality who had clearly perceived the necessities and dangers of the times, and predicted that the Work would be of decisive importance for the future of the Church. (Berglar, p. 189). Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, addressing a packed Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, referred to Msgr. Escriva's message and commented:
"It is essential to the vocation of Christians in the world that they carry on Christ's mission in and through their involvement in the secular order, contributing to its sanctification, to the restoration of all things in Christ...Msgr. Escriva was an innovator, but he also stood firmly and squarely with the Christian tradition. His message was a call to return daily to the roots of the Christian way of life and to live it creatively and courageously in our contemporary world." John Cardinal O'Connor:
“I believe it critical to dispel the notion, a notion with which you are familiar, which borders on calumny, that Opus Dei is concerned only about the wealthy and the well educated…. I wish the myth about Opus Dei could be expelled forever. I want it to be clear to all of you that I consider the Archdiocese of New York to be privileged by your presence.” From a homily given at St. Patrick's Cathedral, June 26, 1998.
"The kind of life Opus Dei offers as an ideal is the life of holiness to which everyone is called." Camillo Cardinal Ruini, Milan June 1992:
"The message --with such intense evangelical flavor--of Blessed Josemaria Escriva is without doubt among those which has given new dynamism to the Mission of the Church." John Cardinal Heenan, Archbishop of Westminster:
"One of the proofs of God's favour is to be a sign of contradiction. Almost all founders of societies in the Church have suffered. Monsignor Escriva de Balaguer is no exception. Opus Dei has been attacked and its motives misunderstood. In this country and elsewhere an inquiry has always vindicated Opus Dei." Edward Cardinal Egan (New York):
"It is with great pleasure that I express my appreciation for the work of Opus Dei here in the Archdiocese of New York for over forty years. Whether through programs for the needy in our inner-city or through spiritual counseling in retreats and individual spiritual direction, Opus Dei has encouraged, and continues to encourage, the faithful to live the Gospel where they find themselves in the world, in their families and in their place of work." May 3, 2004. Bishop Wilton Gregory (President, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops):
"I consider my many Opus Dei friends a wonderful gift to my episcopal service in the Church. I respect and admire the many activities in which Opus Dei serves the needs of the Church and advances the work of evangelization and the sanctification of God's People." April 3, 2004. Bishop Joseph Fiorenza (Galveston-Houston):
“I have been associated with Opus Dei for twenty years and can testify that the priests and members are fully dedicated to living the gospel by integrating its message into their daily work. They incarnate the universal call to holiness in their teaching and pastoral care. Their mission is to help those whom they serve to live holy and faith-filled lives. The Opus Dei priests and members are faithful to the teachings of the Church and to the Popes and Bishops. Their fidelity is a strength for the Church but at times is viewed as negative and suspicious by those who do not understand such fidelity to God and the Church. The Diocese of Galveston-Houston is blessed to have Opus Dei staff our downtown chapel and minister to the workforce and shoppers in that area. Their work is well-received and greatly appreciated.” December 29, 2003. Archbishop Charles Chaput (Denver):
“Opus Dei has always encouraged active lay leadership and service among Catholics. It prefigured some of the reforms of the Second Vatican Council by decades. Its members are motivated, faithful Catholics and an extraordinary blessing for the believing community. Opus Dei – along with the other new charisms, communities, and movements renewing today’s Church – is very welcome in the Archdiocese of Denver.” December 20, 2003. William Cardinal Keeler (Baltimore):
“The church and the world need the message of holiness in ordinary life preached by St. Josemaría.” From a homily at a Mass for St. Josemaría Escrivá’s first feast day at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington on June 25, 2003. Archbishop John Myers (Newark):
“How difficult it is for this consciousness of the call to holiness to sink into our minds and act upon our wills. I think that is why, among so many worthy institutions, old and new, God wanted Opus Dei.” From a homily at a Mass of thanksgiving for the canonization of St. Josemaría at St. Mary Major in Rome on October 8, 2002. Cardinal Justin Rigali (Philadelphia):
“I see Opus Dei throughout the world really trying to fulfill the first pastoral guideline outlined by the Holy Father John Paul II in his apostolic letter on the New Millennium: the search for personal holiness…. Looking at the work of Opus Dei in this Archdiocese I would like to express my gratitude to the women and men of the Prelature for their loyal service and continual apostolate according to the spirit of their Founder.” From a homily at a Mass in celebration of the Centennial of St. Josemaría’s birth, at Cathedral Basilica in St. Louis on January 12, 2002. Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo (Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See to the United States):
“As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Msgr. Escrivá, we could give him no greater gift than to follow the great way and teaching that he has given to the church.” From a homily at a Mass for the 100th anniversary of the birth of St. Josemaría Escrivá at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington on January 12, 2002. Francis Cardinal George (Chicago):
“The spirituality of [Saint] Josemaría is a true Christian humanism. For Opus Dei respects every area of human endeavor: the life of the mind and life of the heart and the life of the hand.” From a homily at a Mass for the 100th anniversary of the birth of St. Josemaría at St. Mary of the Angels in Chicago, January 9, 2002. James Cardinal Hickey (Washington): “The members of the Work [Opus Dei] have found a way of really making their work something joyful, something that you want to be a part of.” From an interview, September 9, 1998. Msgr. Paul Yoshiyuki Furuya, Bishop of Kyoto, 1975: "I have no doubt that Josemaria Escriva was a man specially chosen by God to maintain the fidelity of many Christians during these troubled years in the Church and in society." Msgr. Willy Onclin, dean of the Faculty of Canon Law (Louvain University), and secretary of the pontifical Commission for the Review of the Code of Canon Law:
"It is impossible to exhaust the rich contributios made by Msgr. Escriva de Balaguer to the Church. Schools, universities, centres for workers or countryfolk, social projects of every kind have been established everywhere thanks to his enterprise. But the 'revaluation' of the layman's role, assigning to him the autonomy and responsibility that are his by the fact of being baptized, well deserves a whole chapter to itself." ('La Libre', Belgique, Lovaine, July 2, 1975) Msgr. Ugo Puccini, Bishop of Santa Marta (Colombia), El País (Cali, Colombia),June 25, 1990:
"Today Opus Dei is known in the whole Church, as a beloved part of Her, which has made Opus Dei a personal Prelature, putting into practice for the first time this juridical figure which the Second Vatican Council instituted for the improvement of the apostolate of the Church." Pierre Mamie, bishop of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg:
"In our preceding discussions with the Opus Dei I reminded them to be attentive to the traditions and the "local religious culture". For the Opus Dei, which has some great merits I cannot deny, did look too often, with us and in other places, like an "imported" religious movement. It would win by being "more transparent" in all its intentions, ressources and activities. Moreover, if the Opus Dei wants to create a foundation and a centre in our diocese, it should answer to certain objections which were made in these days, so everything can develop in peace." (Evangile et mission, 22 june 1989) (French) During his centennial in 2002, many bishops spoke about St. Josemaria and Opus Dei: Francis Eugene Cardinal George, archbishop of Chicago, USA. St. Mary of the Angels Church, Chicago, January 9:
"A hundred years ago today, Josemaría Escrivá was born—a man who fell in love with the Lord, whom he recognized in faith as our Savior and the Savior of the world, a man who was called by Jesus to the work of a preacher of God’s Word, and a fisherman—an evangelizer." Cahal Cardinal Daly, archbishop emeritus of Armagh, Ireland.''' Church of the Holy Rosary, Dublin, January 9:
"The truths brought out by Josemaría Escrivá are as old as the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and yet as new as the so-called post-modern age of the new millennium. They are wide-ranging, but one may single out some of the core principles. Josemaría reiterated the New Testament teaching that every Christian, in virtue of his or her baptism, is called to be a saint."
"Josemaría, indeed, often spoke daringly and unconventionally, to emphasise this point. He spoke, for example, of the need to 'materialize' the quest for holiness; one might say, the need to 'earth' holiness in ordinary tasks, whether these be what are called 'menial' tasks, or more esoteric careers in, say, cosmic physics or biochemical research." Archbishop George Pell of Sydney, Australia. St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, January 4:
"Blessed Josemaría worked to help people know God more and better. For him, the work of Opus Dei was a great catechesis. Catechesis is what he did all his life, with a skill that brought to doctrine the newness of the Gospel, which is always old and always new (Mt. 13:52)."
"Blessed Josemaría considered himself an 'inept and deaf instrument', saw himself when an old man 'as a stammering child'. I pray to the good God that he will raise up among us many other men and women, who are equally inept and deaf, and who allow God to work in and through them as He wishes." Archbishop Adam Exner of Vancouver, Canada. Holy Rosary Cathedral, Vancouver, January 9:
"The saints are not people who plan and map out for themselves a way of life and perfection, and carry it out to the letter by themselves. Saints are rather people who love and trust God so much that they are willing to let God lead and direct them wherever He wishes them to go.… Blessed Josemaría was willing to let God lead him and shape his life. Throughout his life, the theme of his prayer was 'May that which you want and I do not know, come about.'" Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor presided at a commemorative mass in Westminster Cathedral, London, on January 16:
"I deeply feel that Blessed Josemaría is a special gift to the Church and to the world of our times. I believe that his charism is particularly relevant for our world of today." Jaime Cardinal Sin, archbishop of Manila, The Philippines. Cathedral of Manila, January 9:
"But perhaps more important than these and the many other physical miracles, are the countless interior conversions attributed to his intercession. So many people were moved by Blessed Josemaría's message of discovering God in the ordinary circumstances of life. Blessed Josemaría is indeed a powerful intercessor before God - I encourage you to turn to him for your spiritual and material needs." Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger archbishop of Paris, France. Church Saint-Honoré d' Eylau, Paris, January 8.
"Josemaría Escrivá is one of those figures that crosses the centuries and indicates in some way, to the attentive observer, what the Spirit is carrying out in the Church. It would be possible to say that in the past century God has stirred up men and women —such as Escrivá and many others— who anticipated what the Spirit would make clear in Vatican Council II. The precise task that Providence entrusted to Blessed Josemaría coincides with one of these messages: to find in work a calling of holiness for all Christian people." Archbishop Kaname Shimamoto of Nagasaki, Japan. Cathedral of Nagasaki, January 9.
"The best congratulation we can give to Blessed Josemaría on the centennial of his birth is making the resolution to follow his spirituality with fidelity. We can also endeavor to inspire an awareness of God in the depths of the conscience of today's society, in that of our contemporaries. In other words: let us manifest our purpose of dedicating ourselves to the new evangelization." Frédéric Cardinal Etsou-Nzabi-Bamungwabi archbishop of Kinshasa, Congo. Cathedral of Our Lady of Congo, Kinshasa, January 9.
"The centennial of Blessed Josemaría's birth occurs in a time of conflict in the world, and particularly in our country. Violence and division are frequently caused by intolerance and rejection of difference. It would behoove us to discover and live Blessed Josemaría's message: a constant call to learn to live and work together, without regard for race, ethnicity, religion, social status, political views.... On the occasion of this anniversary, we ask God to grant us, through the intercession of Blessed Josemaría, peace for our souls, peace for our country, peace for the Church and, finally, peace for the world." Miguel Cardinal Obando Bravo, archbishop of Managua, Nicaragua. Cathedral of Managua, January 9.
"The emphasis on doctrine in Opus Dei's apostolate has always impressed me. Opus Dei's work is in truth a continuous catechesis, a noble task of spreading good doctrine. Msgr. Escrivá de Balaguer always followed Jesus' example of doing and teaching. The imprint of his personality has left a deep furrow in the life of the Church: across the world, his words and deeds have stirred up a renewed Christian spirit, expressing itself as service to others with authentic and practical charity." Adrianus Johannes Cardinal Simonis, archbishop of Utrecht, The Netherlands. Gerardus Majella Church, Utrecht, January 19.
"The distinguishing features of the parents can be seen in the children. With his spiritual children, the faithful of Opus Dei, Josemaría Escrivá has been able to speak several times over. In this sense I am able to say that have known the founder through his children in Opus Dei. In them –priests and laity– I see a desire for holiness and apostolate." Giacomo Cardinal Biffi archbishop of Bologna, Italy. Cathedral of Bologna, January 9.
"The human, Christian, and priestly adventure of his life —an adventure both extraordinary and direct— is framed entirely by the 20th century. If we learn to interpret events with the penetrating vision of faith, it is not difficult to see in this marvelous existence the merciful answer of God to the harsh interrogations of one of the most tragic and most complicated centuries of history." Audrys Juozas Cardinal Backis, archbishop of Vilnius, Lithuania.''' Cathedral of Vilnius, January 9.
"The saints are friends of God, that is to say, our friends. They help and they advise, they bless us from heaven and they fortify us in our weaknesses. They especially show us the way with their example. Blessed Josemaría is rightly famous for his book The Way, which many people cherish and in which many find strength and beautiful reflections on Christian life in the middle of the world." László Cardinal Paskai, archbishop of Estergom-Budapest, Hungary. Matyas-Templon, Budapest, January 9.
"We have heard in the Gospel the words of Jesus: 'Put out into the deep and lower your nets for a catch.' The Holy Father placed his emphasis on these same words at the end of the Holy Year in his apostolic letter, Novo Millennio Ineunte. His desire was that we would not return after the enthusiasm of the jubilee to the gray of every day, but that we would instead have inside us the enthusiasm of the apostle Saint Paul, who wrote of himself: 'I strain forward to what is before, I press on towards the goal, to the prize of God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus.'"
"This evangelical teaching of Jesus, these proposals of the Holy Father, were fulfilled in an extraordinary way in the life of Blessed Josemaría Escrivá, Opus Dei's founder. He was an outstanding sacerdotal personality of the twentieth century, who throughout his life worked for the spiritual renewal of the Church. His beatification on May 17, 1992, was the recognition of his holiness of life." Antonio José Cardinal González Zumárraga archbishop of Quito, Ecuador'''. Cathedral of Quito, January 9.
"Blessed Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, in fulfilling the mission God entrusted to him, contributed to the spiritual renewal of the Church – teaching and spreading the doctrine of the universal call to holiness, of the sanctifying value of work and of the calling of the faithful Christian to do apostolate." Antonio María Cardinal Rouco Varela, archbishop of Madrid, Spain, Cathedral of the Almudena, Madrid, January 9.
"The history of the saints is the history of 'Christ who passes by' – to use a beautiful phrase from one of the books of Blessed Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. Let us 'be' Christ as he passes through the times and spaces of history…. This is true of Opus Dei's founder. Through him and his Work, Christ passes through history again in our time, through the history of the twentieth century. We give thanks to the Lord for him, and we ask that if God wants, the day will arrive this year – the sooner the better – when the Church will finally travel the canonical road to recognition of Blessed Josemaría's holiness. May the Lord grant that the Prelature, its priests and faithful, and all the Church will celebrate this event in a way that makes him visible among us again as Christ who passes by." Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Canberra. 26 June 2003, at St Mary Star of the Sea, West Melbourne:
"What St Josemaría knew in the depths of his being, as all the saints before him have known, is that the Word is made flesh and dwells among us. Escrivá was and is one of the greatest of contemporary witnesses to the Incarnation — it’s as simple and magnificent as that. He was raised by God as that kind of witness at a time when the Incarnation, the fact of the Word made flesh, was being denied implicitly and pervasively as it is today, a time when people felt in their hearts, as they still feel today, that the Word was not made flesh, that God remains in some distant heaven far from the ordinary business of human work, human family, the mess of human affairs. This leads inevitably to a sense that you have to deny or escape from your human affairs in order to find the life of God who is spirit. That’s what I mean when I speak of the denial of the Incarnation, and that’s why the witness of St Josemaría goes to the heart of an enduring contemporary crisis." Archbishop Christopher Pierre, nuncio to Uganda. Christ the King Church, Kampala, January 9.
"We are grateful to God for the existence of Blessed Josemaría, founder of Opus Dei. We are grateful for his life, for what he has offered us – a big challenge! Remember what the Pope said at the beginning of his pontificate: 'Do not be afraid, do not be afraid of the call to holiness.' This call to holiness is for me, for you, for each one of us. We are all invited to be members of God's family; we are all invited to enter into the Church, and to be active members of this Church, the living presence of God in our lives, in this world: do not be afraid to be called to holiness." Józef Cardinal Glemp presided at a commemorative mass in St. John the Baptist cathedral in Warsaw
"Like Blessed Juan Diego and so many of our sisters and brothers who enjoy eternal beatitude, Blessed Josemaría joins a diverse crowd of saints who are not special people – super-men – but ordinary and normal beings like us, distinguishing themselves only in having been faithful instruments of God." Archbishop Józef Zyciñski of Lublin, Poland Cathedral of Lublin, January 9.
"Sanctifying work, sanctifying oneself through work and sanctifying others through work – this has been Blessed Josemaría's primary message. And these are not merely pretty words; he practiced them in his own life. Just as Christ not only spoke of the Cross but, above all, died on the Cross for us, so our Blessed not only spoke of holiness in work but carried it out in his life, being holy and sanctifying others." Bishop Armindo Lopes Coelho of Oporto, Portugal. Trinity Church, Oporto, January 9.
"In celebrating the centennial of Blessed Josemaría's birth – 'duc in altum!' (Put out into the deep!). Holiness should be your ideal. Our providential God will open before you the way of happiness and optimism on the path to holiness. Be not afraid. The Teacher goes in front of us and he says continuously: duc in altum! Have hope, you are a son of God, be not afraid. Strive, dare…. In celebrating the birth of the Blessed, we give thanks to God for his life, writings, work, and example. We ask him to intercede for us before God." Auxiliary Bishop Peter Henrici, S.J., of Zurich, Liebfrauenkirche, January 10.
"I have said that I consider Blessed Josemaría one of the most important figures of Catholicism in the twentieth century, and I owe an explanation. Blessed Josemaría was one of the first … to recognize the importance of the laity in the Church. And he proposed a spirituality appropriate for the specific needs of the laity. In this he was a pioneer.... In fact, he has had the merit and also the grace of being probably the first one traveling this road. We pray therefore that his Work may continue to be guided by his spirit, and that many laity may find their vocation in daily life." Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevicius of Kaunas, Lithuania. Cathedral of Kaunas, January 8.
"This year marks the beginning of Opus Dei's work in Kaunas, which I have received with great happiness and pleasure. My hope is that Opus Dei will bring the benefits of holiness that come to all the countries where the Prelature works. I am convinced that the Catholic Church in Lithuania needs the spirit of Blessed Josemaría that is embodied in his children, who uphold the authentic Magisterium of the Church…. The faithful of Opus Dei, fulfilling the desire of their Founder and following in his steps, grasp the essence of and faithfully respond to the invitation of His Holiness John Paul II – 'Put out into the deep!'" Edward Michael Cardinal Egan
"It is with great pleasure that I express my appreciation for the work of Opus Dei here in the Archdiocese of New York for over forty years. Whether through programs for the needy in our inner-city or through spiritual counseling in retreats and individual spiritual direction, Opus Dei has encouraged, and continues to encourage, the faithful to live the Gospel where they find themselves in the world, in their families and in their place of work." May 3, 2004. Bishop Wilton Gregory (President, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops):
"I consider my many Opus Dei friends a wonderful gift to my episcopal service in the Church. I respect and admire the many activities in which Opus Dei serves the needs of the Church and advances the work of evangelization and the sanctification of God's People." April 3, 2004. Archbishop Charles Chaput (Denver):
“Opus Dei has always encouraged active lay leadership and service among Catholics. It prefigured some of the reforms of the Second Vatican Council by decades. Its members are motivated, faithful Catholics and an extraordinary blessing for the believing community. Opus Dei – along with the other new charisms, communities, and movements renewing today’s Church – is very welcome in the Archdiocese of Denver.” December 20, 2003. William Henry Cardinal Keeler
“The church and the world need the message of holiness in ordinary life preached by St. Josemaría.” From a homily at a Mass for St. Josemaría Escrivá’s first feast day at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington on June 25, 2003. Archbishop John Myers (Newark):
“How difficult it is for this consciousness of the call to holiness to sink into our minds and act upon our wills. I think that is why, among so many worthy institutions, old and new, God wanted Opus Dei.” From a homily at a Mass of thanksgiving for the canonization of St. Josemaría at St. Mary Major in Rome on October 8, 2002. Justin Francis Cardinal Rigali
“I see Opus Dei throughout the world really trying to fulfill the first pastoral guideline outlined by the Holy Father John Paul II in his apostolic letter on the New Millennium: the search for personal holiness…. Looking at the work of Opus Dei in this Archdiocese I would like to express my gratitude to the women and men of the Prelature for their loyal service and continual apostolate according to the spirit of their Founder.” From a homily at a Mass in celebration of the Centennial of St. Josemaría’s birth, at Cathedral Basilica in St. Louis on January 12, 2002. Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo (Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See to the United States):
“As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Msgr. Escrivá, we could give him no greater gift than to follow the great way and teaching that he has given to the church.” From a homily at a Mass for the 100th anniversary of the birth of St. Josemaría Escrivá at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington on January 12, 2002. Francis Eugene Cardinal George
“The spirituality of [Saint] Josemaría is a true Christian humanism. For Opus Dei respects every area of human endeavor: the life of the mind and life of the heart and the life of the hand.” From a homily at a Mass for the 100th anniversary of the birth of St. Josemaría at St. Mary of the Angels in Chicago, January 9, 2002. John Cardinal O'Connor:
“I am very grateful for the work all of you do for the Church universal, for society at large, and certainly for the Church here in New York…. I thank all of those who do their very best to advance the work of Opus Dei. I am with you unconditionally.” From a homily at a Mass in celebration of Josemaría Escrivá at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, June 26, 1998. James Francis Cardinal Stafford, (President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity):
“The ministry of Opus Dei is one of continually reminding the faithful of the Church that every aspect of daily living, no matter how seemingly insignificant or outwardly extraordinary, is an opportunity for the proclamation of Christ’s love for all.” From a homily at a Mass in celebration of St. Josemaría Escrivá on June 26, 1995. Joseph Cardinal Bernardin
“We praise and thank God for all the wonderful things he has accomplished through [Saint] Josemaría and those who have followed in his footsteps.” From a homily at a Mass in celebration of Saint Josemaría Escrivá at the Holy Name Cathedral, July 1, 1992. Giovanni Cardinal Benelli
What Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, was to the sixteenth-century Council of Trent, Escriva was to the Second Vatican Council." Aside from these words of encouragement and praise, a number of Church authorities have also issued words of caution. For example, Basil Cardinal Hume. Basil Cardinal Hume, London:
“[St. Josemaría’s] words, seventy years ago, anticipated the Vatican Council’s decree on the place and the role of the laity in the world.… It is my conviction that it’s only slowly that we’re coming to understand what the Spirit was trying to say to us through the Council. But the Spirit goes on calling.… And surely the Holy Spirit is calling us in our day to a greater degree of holiness, to deepen our spiritual lives. And it has been the role of the movements [and] of Opus Dei to provide support and guidance on that road to holiness.” From a homily on October 2, 1998, at a Mass of thanksgiving in London to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of Opus Dei.
"I have made known to those responsible for Opus Dei in this country what I consider to be the right recommendations for the future activity of its members within the diocese of Westminster. I now wish to make public these four recommendations. Each of them arises from one fundamental principle: that the procedures and activities of an international movement, present in a particular diocese, may well have to be modified prudently in the light of the cultural differences and legitimate local customs and standards of the society within which that international body seeks to work. These recommendations must not be seen as a criticism of the integrity of the members of Opus Dei or of their zeal in promoting their apostolate. I am making them public in order to meet understandable anxieties and to encourage sound practice within the diocese. The four recommendations are as follows:)
I'm not a political singer. I don't know what the word means. People think I consciously decided to tell the world what was happening in South Africa. No! I was singing about my life, and in South Africa we always sang about what was happening to us — especially the things that hurt us.
So I take my life as I find it, as a life full of grand advantages that are linked indissolubly to my noblest happiness and my everlasting safety. I believe that Infinite Love ordained it, and that, if I bow willingly, tractably, and gladly to its discipline, my Father will take care of it.
Josiah Gilbert Holland
• P. 115.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Josiah Gilbert Holland" (Sourced, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895): Quotes reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895).)
Lookin' so innocent, I might believe you if I didn't know. Could'a loved you all my life, If you hadn't left me waiting in the cold. And you got your share of secrets, And I'm tired of being last to know. And now you're asking me to listen 'Cause it's worked each time before.
I believe in being cruel to be kind. I love gaming, I have done all my life. I want to see it lifted in the eyes of the general public above how they view it now. Pottering endlessly about with the same dreary plots and game mechanics isn't helping any of us evolve.
In this base world, full of poverty and misery, for the first time I thought a ray of sunshine had shone on my life. But alas, it was not a sunbeam, rather it was only a transient beam, a shooting star, which appeared to me in the likeness of a woman or an angel.
In my life I have been blessed In my life I have been cursed I have lived the best of times I have suffered the worst Do you know which road you're traveling? Do you know where you want to be? With so many roads to travel, There's just one can set you free.
She put snow on the mountain's / peak for me and took the Gallup Poll of my imagination. / She is both the V-Hold and popular fiction of my life. I write / her letters daily, which I'm then prompted to discard. She / engineered several corporate mergers until I couldn't resist / temptation.
I was just a young lawyer thinking, What am I doing with my life? What am I doing with my career? As I watched [Hillary Clinton] on that stage I thought, Why aren’t I there? It was so poignant for me. And that’s what made me figure out how to get involved in politics.
I'm signed to release the third book in the series. When they invited me to do the Noelle book I had started on an autobiography, sort of, because I still get a lot of questions about that. I done so much music in my life, and writing is a beautiful outlet to continue to grow.
I recalled the ants I had watched as a child on the farm, building their hills one grain of sand at a time, only to have them senselessly destroyed in an instant by a passing foot. I'd pieced my life together the same way, slowly and agonizingly. Would it, too, be kicked callously into dust?
Dr. Drew: What will you remember most about the '90's? Sebastian Bach: The album Grace by Jeff Buckley. Unless you've heard it, you wouldn't know why. Dr. Drew: What's your favorite album for a night of steamy monkey love? Sebastian Bach: Jeff Buckley's Grace is the most romantic, sensual album I've heard in my life.
How sweet to feel its helpless form Depending thus on me alone! And while I hold it safe and warm What bliss to think it is my own! To feel my hand so kindly prest, To know myself beloved at last, To think my heart has found a rest, My life of solitude is past!
Arnold: I have taught myself to sew, cook, fix plumbing, I can even pat myself on the back when necessary, so I don't have to ask anyone for anything. There's nothing I need from anyone except for love and respect. And anyone who can't give me those two things has no place in my life.
"The imprinting compulsion is one of the strangest things I've ever witnessed in my life, and I've seen some strange things. [...] It reminds me of A Midsummer Night's Dream with all the chaos caused by the fairies' love magic." He smiled. "It's very nearly as strong as the way I feel about you."
Don't know what ya talkin' 'bout, I'll always have hoes by my side (Uh) Smokin' blunts, gettin' drunk, stayin' high 'til the very last day I die (Uh) And there's nothing like new pussy, so there's no worries 'bout wives (Yeah) And there ain't nobody out there gonna tell me how to live my life.
I was so bad with the food and alcohol in Nashville. If you saw me naked compared to what I looked like when I did Iron Man 2, when I was exercising every day — I'll get it back together, but I've never eaten so much fried food and white flour in my life, ever.
If I'm Pacey forever, then I deserve to be Pacey forever. The onus is on the actor. I hope I will never begrudge anything about that show. It changed my life and my family's life and I would have to be a really hard-hearted bastard to look back and be angry that I did it.
His great novel The Leopard (Il Gattopardo) has certainly enlarged my life – an unusual experience for a life which is well on in its eighties. Reading and rereading it has made me realize how many ways there are of being alive, how many doors there are, close to one, which someone else's touch may open.
Deceiving world, that with alluring toys Hast made my life the subject of thy scorn, And scornest now to lend thy fading joys, T'outlength my life, whom friends have left forlorn; How well are they that die ere they be born, And never see thy sleights, which few men shun Till unawares they helpless are undone!
Robert Greene (dramatist)
• "Verses", line 1, from Groatsworth of Wit (1592); Dyce p. 310.
Groatsworth of Wit was published posthumously under Greene's name, but it was heavily revised by Henry Chettle, and may have been partially or even totally written by him.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Robert Greene (dramatist)" (Sourced: Verse quotations are cited from Alexander Dyce (ed.) The Dramatic and Poetical Works of Robert Greene and George Peele (London: Routledge, 1861).)
I don't want to see Bowie in a tracksuit. He never let anyone see him that way. The outlet for my work is not just the music and the videos, it's every breathing moment of my life. I'm always saying something about art and music and fame. That's why you don't ever catch me in sweatpants.
Simply: the practice makes the master. Practice every day, or at least try to sing, as much as you can. And I don´t stop, if I´m not on tour, I´m on a studio, and if I don´t, I do it for pleasure, I do it every day, is something that is part of my life.
The problem was, I enjoyed Question Period too much and loved the challenge it provided. Far from being a dreaded burden, it had become an exciting part of my life; opposition members attacked me, I fought back, I won or lost or held them to draw, and the next day we did it all over again.
Jean Chrétien
• Chapter Four, One Day at a Time, p. 106-107
• Source: Wikiquote: "Jean Chrétien" (Sourced, My Years As Prime Minister (2007): Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2007, ISBN 978-0-676-97900-8)
I appreciate constant God's presence in my life. He never gave up on me in very serious and important moments. I dont know about the rest whether they do believe in God or not but i will say that i dont. I dont believe in Him - i know He exists and He is out there!!!
Struggle Da Preacher
• Source: Wikiquote: "Struggle Da Preacher" ("The Book Of Experience": The book of quotes by Struggle da Preacher. Published December 2013. Available soon in digital format for downloading!, God)
All I know is Nanhoï's love. My son is my life. I believe in the magic of this love. He is the embodiment of life to me. The embodiment of beauty. Through him I'll find redemption and salvation. Then the wound in my soul - the wound I thought would never scar over - will stop bleeding.
• Klaus Kinski, Kinski Uncut : The Autobiography of Klaus Kinski (1996), p. 316.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Children" (Quotes: Alphabetized by author )
At some point in my life I'd honestly hoped love would rescue me from the cold, drafty castle I lived in. But at another point, much earlier I think, I'd quietly begun to hope for nothing at all in the way of love, so as not to be disappointed. It works. It gets to be a habit.
He was an absolutely mesmerizing, wonderful presence. His pupils would roll up into his head, and you'd see the whites of his eyes, and his hands would clutch. It was really powerful. He was extraordinary. As a performer, when he's at his best, he ranks among the three or four greatest I've ever seen in my life.
Stop trying to live my life for me
I need to breathe
I'm not your robot
Stop telling me I'm part of the big machine
I'm breaking free
Can't you see
I can love, I can speak, without somebody else operating me
You gave me eyes so now I see
I'm not your robot
I'm just me.
I try, in my life, to follow my heart. I know what it feels like to do things that are soul-decaying. A large aspect of life in Hollywood, in a stereotypic way, I find unbelievably soul-decaying. And I choose, albeit frustratingly to other people in my life, not to expose myself too much to too much of that.
The best compliment I ever got in my life came from Chairman Mao of China. When I went there, at a time when nobody wanted to touch China with a 10-foot pole, Mao told me that I'm beautiful because I'm a natural, and he said natural is perfection. So, no character assassination can diminish me and my perfection.
When I got back into show business in 1961, I felt — for obvious reasons — that nothing in my life went right, and I realized that millions of people felt the same way. So when I first came back my catch phrase was "nothing goes right." Early on, that was my setup for a lot of jokes.
"What about it, Meta?" he snapped. "No doubts? Do you think that destruction is the only way to end this war?"
"I don't know," she said. "I can't be sure. For the first time in my life I find myself with more than one answer to the same question."
"Congratulations," he said. "It's a sign of growing up."
I had no great sense of failure. I didn’t come out of the campaign with the sense that I’d thrown my career away or thrown my life away on what was a fruitless, feckless endeavor. I felt that I had made my mark on the pages of history and laid down some markers for others possibly to follow.
John B. Anderson
• As quoted in No Holding Back : The 1980 John B. Anderson Presidential Campaign (2011) by Jim Mason, p. 412
• Source: Wikiquote: "John B. Anderson" (Quotes)
All my life I have made it a rule never to permit a religious man or woman take for granted that his or her religious beliefs deserved more consideration than non-religious beliefs or anti-religious ones. I never agree with that foolish statement that I ought to respect the views of others when I believe them to be wrong.
Chapman Cohen
The Credo of Empowerment, as quoted in David M. Mandell Atheist Acrimonious (Vervante, 2008), p. 176.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Chapman Cohen" (Quotes)
She really was a person who cared very much about others. She worked for justice and inclusion and making sure that women's voices were heard. She wasn't willing to just accept the world as we were told it was, but worked to help make it more beautiful. I am very grateful for her bringing that into my life.
Why is my knowledge limited? Why my stature? Why my life to one hundred years rather than to a thousand? What reason has nature had for giving me such, and for choosing this number rather than another in the infinity of those from which there is no more reason to choose one than another, trying nothing else? 208
The edifice of my educational thought is almost entirely beholden to the views of Kerschensteiner. At later stages, however, Gandhiji’s influence and his elaboration of some of the finest points on the subject provided the much needed depth and expansion. Words turned into projects and a mere conceptual and transient framework became an insuperable part of my life.
It did not go without notice that Ayn Rand stood beside me as I took the oath of office in the presence of President Ford in the Oval Office. Ayn Rand and I remained close until she died in 1982, and I'm grateful for the influence she had on my life. I was intellectually limited until I met her.
It was pretty disheartening to be objectified like that. I wanted to stop acting for a little bit. But it changed my life in a lot of ways, but at the same time, I can't say that it didn't give me opportunities. It made me, for the first time, in control of my career. - On Titanic (1997)
To be able to come out of that mess as I did is special. To be able to improve my relations with my dad is special. I'm happy with the way my life's going, the way I'm growing up as a person. Skating has changed me. I've had a lot of chances, and this is my time to shine.
All the pale horses of the apocalypse have stormed through my life, revolution, starvation, devaluation of currency and terror, epidemics, emigration; I have seen the great ideologies of the masses grow and spread out before my eyes. Fascism in Italy, National Socialism in Germany, Bolshevism in Russia, and, above all, that archpestilence, nationalism, which poisoned our flourishing European culture.
Ole man trouble Go find you someone else to pick on. I live my life now you see. Ole man trouble, Please stay away from me, now.Oh I look like I'm down in my luck. Please send faith to help pick me up. I've lived this way so many years Ole man trouble, Please wash away all my fears.
I'm not religious, but I believe in the ecstasy that art and religion can create in human beings, the ecstatic or the awe — as I like to call it, you know, "a-w-e" — that it makes people feel in a way that isn't their banal, everyday feel. That they go, "My God, it transformed me. My life changed."
"I'll never be happy. I believe I'll die alone. I would want it that way. I've been a loner all my life with my secrets and my pain. I'm really lost, but I'm trying to find myself. I'm really a sad, pathetic case. My whole life has been a waste. I've been a failure. I just want to escape.",,1654125,00.html
Well, actually, he does love laughing. He finds life amusing, but it's from a higher level that perhaps we don't have access to. He'd laugh at things and we'd be baffled. But he was a great speaker. Very wise.  Quoted from: Patti Boyd (former wife of George Harrison and Eric Clapton) "Patti Boyd: My Life As a Muse" Independent Minds
I saw a bunch of the weirdest, oddest people I have ever met in my life, who thought different, and acted different, and even made love different. And they made me laugh, and get angry, and be happy, and be sad, and excited, and even fall in love a little....And they didn’t seem to be so weird or strange anymore.
Losing Bogey was horrible, obviously. Because he was young. And because he gave me my life. I wouldn't have had a — I don't know what would have happened to me if I hadn't met him — I would have had a completely different kind of life. He changed me, he gave me everything. And he was an extraordinary man.
I cannot say
  that I have gone to hell
    for your love
but often
  found myself there
    in your pursuit.
I do not like it
  and wanted to be
    in heaven. Hear me out.
Do not turn away.
I have learned much in my life
  from books
    and out of them
about love.
    is not the end of it.
I wanted to make my life short, and I was at a party in Toppers' Hose, and the coincidence was too much. It was like a message from God. OK, it was disappointing that all God had to say to me was, like, Jump off a roof, but I didn't blame him. What else was he supposed to tell me?
Today, I will try to remember to regret the past. I will think of how many mistakes I have made throughout my life. I will say to myself, "If only I could go back in time and make different choices, so that my life could be the way it should have been." Then I will remind myself that I cannot.
There are jobs I could work, temp jobs, call center jobs, tech support, if I had to. I have before, and I suspect that there will be times in my life when I have to get those jobs again, when I have to make ends meet. But I don't have another career waiting for me. I don't want another career.
At some point in my life I realized I knew only celebrities, I didn't know any real people. I think it was a master stroke of Fate that in researching the greatest celebrity of them all, I would at last be meeting real people, finding them more extraordinary than celebrities; fascinated by them all and enjoying enduring friendships with some.
In the helter-skelter of this book, I didn’t develop my views as theory. In fact, I even believe that efforts of that kind are tainted with ponderousness. Nietzsche wrote “with his blood,” and criticizing, or, better, experiencing him means pouring out one’s lifeblood. … It was only with my life that I wrote the Nietzsche book that I had planned.
It appeared as if the whole nation stood up to greet me in Ahmedabad on my taking the 432nd wicket. The country was proud and that made me really happy...This was the first time in my life I realized what it is to be the number 1 in the world. It is a heady feeling almost out of the world.
Yeah. We're in a special place, Ian. We've seen some football matches in our time. But, I've never seen? Seen a game like this, or been in a spectacle like this. I'll remember this for the rest of my life. Yeah, yeah. You'd much rather see seven goals than a one-nil defensive display, wouldn't you? At least they're getting entertained.
Thus in Compliance with your repeated desires, I have given you a short account of divers passages of my life, 'till I have now come to more than fourscore years of age. How well I have acquitted my self in each, is for others rather to say, than for Your friend and servant John Wallis. Oxford January 29. 1696, 7.
John Wallis
• Source: Wikiquote: "John Wallis" (Quotes, Dr. Wallis's Account of some Passages of his own Life (1696): E Coll. MSS. Smithianis penes Editorem, Vol. 22 p. 38. as contained in Ch.XII of Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, (as illustrated and improved by Robert of Brunne) from the Death of Cadwalader to the end of K. Edward the First's Reign. Transcrib'd and now first publish'd, from a MS. in the Inner-Temple Library by Thomas Hearne, M.A. (1725))
I've never had the impertinence to be sorry for Helen Keller. I'd as soon be sorry for Niagara Falls. But now as I bring the story up to date, I'm shriveled with shame when I recall that at times in my life — my easy life — I've actually been sorry for myself. You too? We've got our nerve, haven't we?
I think the next little bit of excitement is flying. I hope I am not too old to take it up seriously, nor too stupid about machines to qualify as a commercial pilot. I do not feel like spending the rest of my life writing books that no one will read. It is not as though I wanted to write them.
Sometimes our friend’s face looked, when in repose, very sad and worn, and very different from the fun-lit face, with its charming eyes, that we saw when he was telling us those magic tales – tales which seem to have been woven right into the fabric of my life, and to have coloured it always with a tinge of his dreams.
About Lewis Carroll
• Katharine Rivers, "Memories of Lewis Carroll", McMaster University Library Research News, Vol. 3, No. 4, January 1976.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Lewis Carroll" (Quotes about Carroll: Alphabetized by author )
All my life I've prayed the Lord's Prayer, but I've never prayed, "Give me this day my daily bread." It is always, "Give us this day our daily bread." Bread and life are shared realities. They do not happen in isolation. Civilization is an unnatural act. We have to make it happen, you and I, together with all the other strangers.
Bill Moyers
• "Pass the Bread", baccalaureate address at Hamilton College (20 May 2006), as quoted in Moyers on Democracy (2008), p. 385
• Source: Wikiquote: "Bill Moyers" (Quotes)
"I'm not going to tell you I am a good father. I have to contribute to the world. I have to teach [my children] how to contribute to the world. That’s our whole existence – to contribute to the world and make it a better place in some way. In my life I contributed to make it a bad place.”
I've rebelled against all types of conformity throughout my life, not just Utah's conservative culture. I rebelled against the Mormon church by going to other churches. I rebelled against my parents by not eating meat. I rebelled against my friends and myself by doing drugs. And I rebelled against everything that was holding me down by playing music with these guys.
She was not an easy woman to categorize or to explain. If I´ve ever known anyone in my life, man or woman, who was unique, it was she. There was nobody like her before or since. Never will be. In every way. In talent, in looks, in character, in temperament. Everything. There sure wasn't anybody who didn't fall under her spell.
Henry Fonda
• About first wife Margaret Sullavan. Haywire (1977) by Brooke Hayward. Jonathan Cape Ltd., pp. 162-63. ISBN 0224014269.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Henry Fonda" (Quotes)
Without fear or favour whatever successes I have been able to make of my life, I owe to the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi who could make man out of dust. I was greatly inspired in my youth by a remark Jawaharlal Nehru had made, ‘Success comes to those that dare and act...’ In fact this remark was my motto in life.
The Age of Insight is a product of my subsequent fascination with the intellectual history of Vienna from 1890 to 1918, as well as my interest in Austrian modernist art, psychoanalysis, art history, and the brain science that is my life's work. In this book I examine the ongoing dialogue between art and science that had its origins in fin-de-siècle Vienna...
Eric Kandel
• Source: Wikiquote: "Eric Kandel" (Quotes, The Age of Insight (2012): : The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present)
That risks were involved, all of us knew; but none, so far as we could foresee, that were too great. Otherwise, as leader of a big polar expedition, and subject to all the responsibilities implicit in command, I could not have gone. That I miscalculated is proved by the fact that I nearly lost my life. Yet, I do not regret going.
My wife was born in Hemingford Grey in Huntingdon and we knew and loved its river, the Great Ouse. We sat by it, we meditated by it, we walked its banks, we explored it by canoe, skiff and pont. I knew its mills, its sluices, its locks, its churches, its meadows and, further afield, its fens. It became part of my life.
I had seven faces thought I knew which one to wear But I'm sick of spending these lonely nights training myself not to care the subway, she is a porno and the pavements they are a mess I know you've supported me for a long time somehow I'm not impressed New York Cares (got to be some more change in my life)
The real turning point in my life came when I performed my best in Muzaffar Ali’s Umrao Jaan. After reading the script, I felt I had Umrao in me — the character influenced me so much. I put my soul into each minute aspect of my performance. I was thrilled when I won the National Award for Best Actress for Umrao Jaan.
This is the most important election of my lifetime. I have never been heavily involved in partisan politics but these are not normal times. President Bush is endangering our safety, hurting our vital interests and undermining American values. That is why I am publishing this message. I have been demonized by the Bush campaign but I hope you will give me a hearing.
The liberal-hearted who run the newspapers and the university English departments and organize the bookstores have turned literature into well-meaning sociology. Thus do I get invited by the editor at some magazine to review your gay translation of a Colombian who has written a magical-realist novel. Trust me, there has been little magical realism in my life since my first trip to Disneyland.
I love the organization. They drafted me. A lot of bad things have happened to me since I’ve been here with injuries and things, but the 2006 season was a special one. We almost completed the ultimate goal. I want to finish that. I want to finish what I started and I want to be a Bear for the rest of my life.
I don't worry too much about the choices I've made. When my days are over I'll have to answer for everything I've done. I don't grieve in any way about bad consequences for things I've done in my life.  —in 1999 before he was inducted in the Hall of Fame.Does LT's conduct make him Hall of Fame worthy?,, accessed April 2, 2007.
Truly … as accidental as my Life may be, or as that random Humour is, which governs it; I know nothing, after all, so real or substantial as My-Self. Therefore if there be that Thing you call a Substance, I take for granted I am one. But for anything further relating to this Question, you know my Sceptick Principles: I determine neither way.
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury
• Vol. 2, p. 83; Part 3, Sect. 1 "Philocles to Palemon".
• Source: Wikiquote: "Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury" (Quotes, Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times (1711): Quotations are cited from the edition by Philip Ayres (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999).)
One may judge what such confessions have cost me, from the fact that, during the whole course of my life, I have never dared to declare my folly to those whom I loved with the frenzy of a passion which deprived me of sight and hearing, which robbed me of my senses and caused me to tremble all over with a convulsive movement.
The Age of Insight is a product of my... fascination with the intellectual history of Vienna from 1890 to 1918, as well as my interest in Austrian modernist art, psychoanalysis, art history, and the brain science that is my life's work. ...I examine the ongoing dialogue between art and science that had its origins in fin-de-siècle Vienna and document its three major phases.
The separation of families to me is very close to my heart because we lived that as immigrants. I strongly feel that we all connected, and having felt people's love and support first-hand through difficult moments in my life, makes me feel it's our responsibility to help one another. I am privileged to help in some way, and I will always take that opportunity.
Gloria Estefan
• comment to The Associated Press (September 10, 2005) as she prepared to lead a contingent of Hispanic-American entertainers on a humanitarian mission to Hurricane Katrina victims in Louisiana and Mississippi
• Source: Wikiquote: "Gloria Estefan" (Sourced)
The most important things in my life have been being governor of Puerto Rico and eliminating the old tradition that was established by [former Gov. Luis] Muñoz himself of being a boss. He was the boss of the government and there was no opposition in Puerto Rico. That was the thing I broke to make Puerto Rico a two-party system, a truly democratic society.
Music for me is something I prefer to keep away form the whole business part of my life. I feel like everything I do, in a way, has some sort of business around it. So with my music I can have my privacy. If people don’t have to pay for it then I think they can be a little more open to new ideas.
Mr. Hawkins: No, you were just talking about his 'Kind', thats all--well I know your 'kind', Foley, I've seen your kind all my life; a fine upstanding bigot, his nose so close to the grind stone he can't see anything else. Meanwhile, the world changes and grows, and he's blind to it, ignorent, and proud of that too; and you know the worst part?
Static Shock
• Source: Wikiquote: "Static Shock" (Season One, Sons of the Fathers: (Scene opens in the food court of a shopping mall, a father and son are sitting at a table. The father is reading his newspaper, while his son in slurping on a smoothie when he notices something...))
I count my time working for Dortch Oldham as one of the most important formative experiences of my life... There is nothing that tests your commitment to a goal like getting a few doors closed in your face. Mr. Oldham taught legions of young people to communicate quickly, clearly and with passion, a lesson that has served me well in my life since then.
On the second day, they started inviting their equally rowdy friends into my apartment, and we exchanged more small talk. To my indignant surprise, they asked me the question I always dreaded answering: “Are you a virgin?” I admitted that I was a virgin. I always admitted the truth about this. It was my life struggle, and I couldn’t lie about such a thing.
I hate to paint portraits I hope never to paint another portrait in my life. Portraiture may be all right for a man in his youth, but after forty I believe that manual dexterity deserts one, and, besides, the color-sense is less acute. Youth can better stand the exactions of a personal kind that are inseparable from portraiture. I have had enough of it.
“I wonder,” he thought, “is it worth getting myself crushed in that crowd just to save my life? Is it worth getting all frustrated and angry, lowering myself to their level, pushing and shoving with all the rest, fighting like a common animal, just to stay alive?” He smiled ruefully. “It always comes to the simple question: what is more important, life or self-respect?”
George Alec Effinger
• Chapter 8 (p. 123)
• Source: Wikiquote: "George Alec Effinger" (Sourced, Relatives (1973): All page numbers from the first mass market paperback edition published by Dell Books (June 1976) )
An individual spider can produce multiple varieties of silk because it has numerous silk glands inside its body. Some silk glands make one type of silk, another set of silk glands makes a second type of silk, and so forth. One of the unforgettable moments in my life was the first time I dissected a spider and saw its stunningly beautiful, translucent silk glands.
I remember staring at the computer screen--light green letters on dark--then at the clock, and finally at my outstretched fingers held a foot in front of my face. And then it dawned on me: selling the hours of my life was no different from selling my fingers one by one. We've only so many hours, so many fingers; when they're gone, they're gone for good.
When I did "Unwrapped" -- that's one of my favorite albums I've ever done in my life -- I love it when someone listens to the whole album. But I would rather them be able to buy some songs that they like, [rather] than not buy the album at all . . . . You can't fight technology. You can't fight, you know, the consumer.
All my life, I've been a man of peace, working for peace, striving for peace, negotiating for peace. I've been a League of Nations man and a United Nations man and I'm still the same man with the same convictions, the same devotion to peace. I couldn't be other even if I wished. But I'm utterly convinced that the action we have taken is right.
To recount the history of assassination since the beginning of our foreign intercourse — in the beginning, people simply hated the foreigners because all foreigners were "impure" men who should not be permitted to tread the sacred soil of Japan... As I have said before, I felt my life in greatest danger during the twelve or thirteen years around the period of the [Meiji] Restoration.
You doubt where you're going, you doubt the way you shave in the morning and even the way you talk to people. Looking back on my past, I think that when you are out of form I attribute it to how I am in my life. I guess it was a reflection of the way I was playing my cricket, you know, I was inconsistent.
Many people ask, for example: What is the purpose of my life? Meaning: What am I meant to do? But the purpose of your life, and each life, is in its being. That being may include certain actions, but the acts themselves are only important in that they spring out of the essence of your life, which simply by being is bound to fulfill its purposes.
Jane Roberts
• Session 899, Page 225
• Source: Wikiquote: "Jane Roberts" (Quotes, Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Volume One, (1986): Roberts, Jane (1986). Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Volume One. Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-219460-0.)
O LORD my God, if I have done this; if there is iniquity in my hands; If I have rewarded evil to him that was at peace with me; (yes, I have delivered him that without cause is my enemy:) Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yes, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay my honor in the dust.
To Gore Vidal (who described the Duke as having "always had something of...riveting stupidity to say on any subject"), "British Empire. First trip to India. Glorious. Never would have believed it would all be gone in my lifetime. Not possible, I’d’ve thought. I am the last king-emperor, you know. My brother was, for a time, but had to give it up. I didn’t" (Vidal, Palimpsest, 206)
I am gradually approaching the period in my life when work comes first. When both the boys went away for Easter, I hardly did anything but work. Worked, slept, ate and went for short walks. But above all I worked. And yet I wonder whether the "blessing" is not missing from such work. No longer diverted by other emotions, I work the way a cow grazes.
Käthe Kollwitz
• Diary entry (April 1910).
• Source: Wikiquote: "Käthe Kollwitz" (Quotes, The Diary and Letters of Käthe Kollwitz (1955): Trans. Richard and Clara Winston, ed. Hans Kollwitz, Regnery Pub.; republished by Northwestern University Press, 1988)
If he descended from heaven today the great warrior who beat the money-traders you would shout your "crucifige!" and nail him to the cross which he himself bore. But he mildly smiles upon your hate: "The truth will prevail, even if the bearer falls; the faith will live, for I give my life … and stand tall at the cross for all warriors of the world."
Jeannie: I can't believe I am betting my life on your sense of direction!
Dr. McKay: What are you talking about?! I've got an excellent sense of direction!
Jeannie: Oh, really? Remember when we went to West Edmonton Mall and Dad had to call the police to find you?
Dr. McKay: That mall was huge!
Jeannie: There were maps every seven metres!
Dr. McKay: Misleading ones!
source: Miller's Crossing [4.09] Stargate Atlantis
notes: Edmonton is the capital city of Alberta
• Source: Wikiquote: "Alberta" (John Cleese, Stargate Atlantis)
I have a lot to weigh: the basis of public service, which I've given my life to, a career choice. And most importantly, what I want to do as a parent. I know something about the White House. That, I assume, is one of the reasons that President-elect Obama would like me to serve. But I also know something about what it means to a family.
An American economist of two generations ago, H. J. Davenport, who was the best friend Thorstein Veblen ever had (Veblen actually lived for a time in Davenport’s coal cellar) once said: “There is no reason why theoretical economics should be a monopoly of the reactionaries.” All my life I have tried to take this warning to heart, and I dare call it to your favorable attention.
What one thinks is possible might not always be so. I try to do my best but, finally, everything lies in God's hands. I consider my skills as a musician to be a blessing from God. Even today, before I perform, I am unsure of whether I will be able to move my audience. I leave everything to Him... He pulls the strings in my life.
Marriage partners are to serve each other. Elevate, help, teach, strengthen each other, but above all, serve. Raise their children honorably, lovingly and with detachment. A child is a guest in the house, to be loved and respected — never possessed, since he belongs to God. How wonderful, how sane, how beautifully difficult, and therefore true. The joy of responsibility for the first time in my life.
J. D. Salinger
• Source: Wikiquote: "J. D. Salinger" (Quotes, Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction (1963), Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters (1955))
O, why should wrath be mute, and fury dumb? I am no baby, I, that with base prayers I should repent the evils I have done: Ten thousand worse than ever yet I did Would I perform, if I might have my will; If one good deed in all my life I did, I do repent it from my very soul.   - Aaron the Moor ..
I said, I like my life. If I have to give it back, if they take it from me, let me only not feel I wasted any, let me not feel I forgot to love anyone I meant to love, that I forgot to give what I held in my hands, that I forgot to do some little piece of the work that wanted to come through.
Marge Piercy
• "If they come in the night", in The Twelve-Spoked Wheel Flashing (1978); reprinted in Sleeping with Cats: A Memoir (2002)
• Source: Wikiquote: "Marge Piercy" (Sourced)
My father was a Republican and he hated Roosevelt. And that's sort of been the battle of my life, I think. You have to understand I grew up a Republican conservative. I hated Castro. And I put my money where my mouth was because I went to war, but I understood pretty quickly that this was another place, another culture and we would never fit in there.
Brothers, I have received medals and honors from every civilized country, but I feel this honor above all, due to the fact that this is given to me by a group of university bandsmen who are furthering the great work to which I have dedicated my life. The ideals as set forth by the Fraternity could not help but make better men and better college band musicians.
Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

For I have known them all already, known them all: —
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
 So how should I presume?
When I thought I was dying in rehab in 1994, 'I Won't back Down' was my mantra. It lifted my up out of the pain and made me fight through it. 'The Waiting'... summed up my life. We can't stand waiting, we rock 'n' roll men and women. Tom Petty's songs are like a great book that you revisit when you need help. His songs make me better.
I always knew what I wanted to do with my life and career, but I was helped along the way by a few people. I didn't need telling, but when people like Franco (Zola), Wisey (Dennis Wise) and Marcel (Desailly) take the time out to say, 'You've got the world at your feet if you do things right', then you think there must be something to it.John Terry
I felt that night, on the stage, incredibly close to everything in the universe, but also extremely alone. I wondered, for the first time in my life, if life was worth all the work it took to live. What exactly made it worth it? What's so horrible about being dead forever, and not feeling anything, and not even dreaming? What's so great about feeling and dreaming? (p. 145)
I looked down on a quilt of clouds, bordered on the horizon by the blood-orange streaks of the setting sun. As the steady hum of the engine drowned out the chatter around me, I realized that I would probably be thinking about the implications of Watergate for the rest of my life. For the country, and for me it had been a significant point in time. (page 263)
[Huh]I can't turn you loose now. If I do I'm gonna loose my life. [Ooh]I can't turn you loose now. If I do I'm gonna loose my life. I can't turn you loose to nobody I love you baby, yes I do. Give shakin' mama, I told ya I'm in love with only you. [Gotta] Baby do it baby why don't ya I'll give ya everything you want.
It was one of the greatest thrills of my life to stand there, waist high in crusty snow, on a peak never before trod by human kind, surrounded by the great ghostly shadows of other individual peaks in this range. I practised my yodel which echoed and re-echoed with no human to hear. It was glorious, a sense of peace and freedom such as I never known before.
Now my life is pretty much bliss. I have two healthy children and a great marriage (Emilio and I have been together for 28 years). I still have one ambition: to do a concert in Cuba. It's the beginning of the end for Castro and, well, I've performed for every audience of practically every nationality except my own. Performing there would be one ot the highlights of my life.
O Lord and Master of my life, give me not a spirit of sloth, vain curiosity, lust for power and idle talk, but give to me, Thy servant, a spirit of soberness, humility, patience and love. O Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults and not to condemn my brother: for blessed art Thou to the ages of ages. Amen. O God, cleanse me, a sinner.
Ephrem the Syrian
• "Prayer of Ephrem" as translated in The Lenten Triodion (1978) by Mother Mary and Archimandrite Kallistos Ware, p. 69
• Variant translations:
• O Lord and Master of my life, give me not a spirit of sloth, vain curiosity, lust for power and idle talk, but give to me, your servant, a spirit of soberness, humility, patience and love. O Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults and not to condemn my brother: for you are blessed for ever and ever. Amen. O God, cleanse me, a sinner.
 • As translated in Who's Holding the Umbrella (1984) by William E. Yaeger, p. 70
• Source: Wikiquote: "Ephrem the Syrian" (Quotes)
A friend of mine, called Mr. Lewis Carroll, tells me he means to send you a book. He is a very dear friend of mine. I have known him all my life (we are the same age) and have never left him. Of course he was with me in the Gardens, not a yard off—even while I was drawing those puzzles for you. I wonder if you saw him?
Letters of Lewis Carroll
• Letter to Isabel Standen (22 August 1869), p.69
• Source: Wikiquote: "Letters of Lewis Carroll" (Letters of Lewis Carroll to his Child-Friends (1933): Quotations from A Selection from the Letters of Lewis Carroll to his Child-Friends (1933) edited by Evelyn M. Hatch )
I am upset I am very much disappointed when I see within myself a wrong image of myself.... A man can live without fingers, but he cannot live without self-respect....That is why I to0k up leprosy work. Not to help anyone but to overcome that fear in my life. That it worked out good for others is a byproduct. But the fact is I did it to overcome fear.
If one person went to another and said to him, I have often heard faith extolled as the most glorious good: I feel though that I do not have it; the confusion of my life, the distractions of my mind, my many cares, and so much else disturbs me, but this I know, that I have but one wish, one single wish, that I might share in this faith.
You know, she often tells me that what I do is great. I don't think she ever thought I would end up doing this with my life. But I think she is happier that I haven't changed over the years, that I am still me, that I care about her and that we are the same as we always were. And I think that is what makes her most proud.
For me, as prisoner number LB32/05 at Vaturekuka, is something I will live with for the rest of my life, without any regret or shame because I do not only believe, but I know, and I repeat I know, that what I did then was right because if I did not do anything then, part of my people who were soldiers at the Sukanaivalu Barracks then would have been dead.
On turning 30: "I kind of feel like the same person except more time has gone by. I hate to say that I feel like an adult now. I have to admit I wish I was still 18. After all, even through the time while I was representing that wild kid, I really wasn't. I was just living my life. I was just not making movies at the time.
I have this massive love for the whole culture of pop music … It has probably been the biggest relationship in my life. It's my fascination, my on-going passion. … I really, really love music. I'm affected by it and uplifted by it, and made to laugh and cry, and almost fall in love with the person who has made me feel so brilliant and communicated so profoundly to me.
Without God, listening to that Christmas sermon was a vinegar experience. Without the incarnation, Christianity isn't even a very good story, and most sadly, it means nothing. "Be nice to one another" is not a message that can give my life meaning, assure me of love beyond brokenness, and break open the dark doors of death with the key of hope. The incarnation is an essential part of Jesus-shaped spirituality.
Michael Spencer in: Mere Churchianity: Finding Your Way Back to Jesus-Shaped Spirituality, Doubleday Religious Publishing Group, 1 June 2010, p. 92.
• Source: Wikiquote: "Incarnation" (Quotes: Quotes are arranged alphabetically by author, S - Z: [[File:StJohnsAshfield_StainedGlass_GoodShepherd_Portrait.jpg|right|thumb|But as flawed humans, we give only a vague hint of God. Our broken reflection of God's image is easily drowned out by our broken humanity. then, two thousand years ago, God came in his fullness. He came to all of us in Jesus. The incarnation is not owned, trademarked, or controlled by any church. It belongs to every human being. The incarnation is not something that requires a distributor or middleman. It is a gracious gift to every person everywhere, religious or not. God gave himself to us in Jesus. - Michael Spencer.]])
I think if I had my life to live over again, I'd do things a little different. I was aggressive, perhaps too aggressive. Maybe I went too far. I always had to be right in any argument I was in, I always had to be first in everything. I do indeed think I would have done some things different. And if I had I believe I would have had more friends.
Ty Cobb
• Statement made in 1961, as quoted in Voices from Cooperstown : Baseball's Hall of Famers Tell It Like It Was (1998) by Anthony J. Connor, p. 286
• Source: Wikiquote: "Ty Cobb" (Quotes)
Why do I hear what I can't see?
Why do I fear what I can be?
I feel the field of battle within my life!

I hear the calvalry of light!
I see the sound of endless sight!
I feel the field of battle within my life!

It was a life that had no end
A time of love with you, my friend
Begin the age of love you know about!

I got a great education when I was an undergraduate many years ago, and I think being a member of Phi Kappa Psi Maryland Alpha chapter was a part of that. Its something that's helped form my life. Dealings with my family, my dealings with my friends, my dealings with all my business associates. It was a great experience and I can say nothing but good things about Phi Kappa Psi.
About Fraternities and sororities
Mike Bloomberg, from ''Phi Kappa Psi YouTube video
• Source: Wikiquote: "Fraternities and sororities" (Quotes about specific organizations, Phi Kappa Psi: Phi Kappa Psi, also called "Phi Psi," is an American collegiate social fraternity founded at Jefferson College in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania on February 19, 1852. There are over a hundred chapters and colonies at accredited four year colleges and universities throughout the United States. More than 112,796 members have been initiated into Phi Kappa Psi since its founding.)
A radical change occurred in the state of my consciousness. I was fifteen then.I made up my mind that my life would take a new turn. I was aspiring for a future which would have some valuable significance. I went to Lahore with a feeling of eager expectation. A cousin of my father had joined the Forman Christian College (Lahore) two years earlier.He arranged my admission and guided my first steps
Compared to the first album, when I wasn't confident enough to make suggestions, this time around, I was very involved. I worked with the songwriters, telling them what was happening in my life, and what I wanted to sing about. If I thought it needed to be more heavy, more rock, I said so. I feel that this record is so much more me. I can't wait for people to hear it.
O cousin, thou art come to set mine eye: The tackle of my heart is crack'd and burn'd, And all the shrouds wherewith my life should sail Are turned to one thread, one little hair: My heart hath one poor string to stay it by, Which holds but till thy news be uttered; And then all this thou seest is but a clod And module of confounded royalty.   - King John
Before I threw the ball I prayed a little bit to God: "Please let this pitch be in a good spot for him not to hit it too hard." I think I was lucky enough to throw the ball in a good spot. It was a ground ball out. I remember one time in Pittsburgh – I struck him out three times. I think that was the greatest day in my life.
About Roberto Clemente
Juan Marichal in "The Late Roberto Clemente Remains Symbol of Latin Baseball" by T.J. Quinn, in The New York Daily News (September 21, 2005)
• Source: Wikiquote: "Roberto Clemente" (Quotes about Clemente, Baseball-related, Opponents: Alphabetical, by author/speaker.)
The progress of Sheffield in my lifetime has been something wonderful. Why, in my young days it was a little bit of a place of no consequence and no trade. When I think of the small notions and little minds of the public men of old Sheffield I can hardly realise that the City has become the fine important flourishing place it is today, one of the largest Cities of the Empire.
Of course I have no right whatsoever to write down the truth about my life involving as it naturally does the lives of so many other people, but I do so urged by a necessity of truth-telling, because there is no living soul who knows the complete truth; here, may be one who knows a section; and there, one who knows another section: but to the whole picture not one is initiated.
Vita Sackville-West
• Autobiographical sketch (23 July 1920), published in Portrait of a Marriage : Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson (1998), p. 3
• Source: Wikiquote: "Vita Sackville-West" (Quotes)